Chris Adamo
Reaffirming Obama's culpability in America's downfall
By Chris Adamo
February 22, 2013

For the past week Rush Limbaugh has been explaining Barack Obama's successful strategy of advancing his far-left political agenda while ostensibly keeping his fingerprints off of any specific governing actions, thereby remaining immune from criticism over the dire consequences that invariably ensue. And once again, the maestro of talk radio is correct. This single keen observation readily clarifies even the most irresponsible Democrat actions, including the lack of a Senate budget for over four years, as well as Obama's own behavior of voting "present" on one hundred and thirty occasions while in the Illinois State Senate. And in so many ways, Barack Obama has continued this practice since his inauguration in 2009.

When Cambridge Massachusetts police officer James Crowley arrested Harvard professor Henry Gates who appeared to be breaking into a house that turned out to be his own, Barack Obama was quick to insert himself into the situation. Shamelessly attempting to capitalize on the incident, he decried the Cambridge police as "stupid" and insinuated that their actions were racially motivated. When George Zimmerman who was participating in a neighborhood watch, shot and killed Travon Martin who as attacking him, Obama did not hesitate to inflame the situation, stating "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon." Yet on September 11, 2012, when Al Qaeda jihadists attacked the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi resulting in the deaths of four members of the consulate staff including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, Obama just as quickly hopped a plane to Las Vegas for a campaign fundraiser and thereafter did his best to remain completely detached from the event.

While he obviously presumed that he could gain some political traction from the Gates and Martin incidents, the resurgence of Al Qaeda in Libya put the lie to his grandstanding about an "Arab Spring" in the Middle East. So rather than involve himself in any manner that might have saved those under siege in Benghazi, he merely brushed their fates aside and ducked the bright lights. When a Senate committee pressed then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regarding the lapses and obfuscation that led to the Benghazi deaths, and how that outrage was amplified by the despicable attempted cover-up in which an amateur video was blamed, Clinton followed Obama's behavior pattern of deflecting blame with her infamous "What difference does it make?" rejoinder. As Limbaugh points out, this has been the standard modus operandi of the Obama political machine, along with the entire Democrat Cabal in Washington.

Given the propensity of leftists to shamelessly engage in such ploys and spew their vile propaganda rather than working to address the burgeoning problems facing America, it has once again become necessary to recall the original facts in order to cut through the murk. At the risk of repetition, the American people must again be reminded of the overall track record of Democrat governing so that its causes and effects can be properly weighed against the utopian liberal promises and their disastrous results. As many times as Obama and the liberals seek to engage in shameless campaigning and distortions of the past in order to escape culpability, the truth must be diligently invoked against them. Even if only a small sample of their governing track record is recalled in the process, the emerging pattern remains unmistakable.

As gasoline prices reach stratospheric levels, it is important to not be distracted by hysterical liberal accusations directed at those malevolent and rapacious oil companies. Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats have been setting this stage for years. When attempts were made to develop oil reserves beneath the barren and remote Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge during the Presidency of George W. Bush, the efforts were completely blocked by liberals in the Congress. In the same manner, Barack Obama took a personal interest in thwarting the Keystone Pipeline project by which Canadian oil could be transported to refineries in Texas. And of course the enviro-whacko hysteria reached a crescendo during the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which would ostensibly render that region uninhabitable for decades.

Though the ecosystems of the Gulf Coast essentially returned to normal in the immediate aftermath of the spill, the enemies of U.S. oil development have successfully choked domestic efforts to expand supplies from the Gulf. Meanwhile, billions of taxpayer dollars are squandered on "green energy" fiascos such as the infamous and now-defunct Solyndra Corporation.

On the international scene, America's foreign relations continue to crumble. From the previously mentioned catastrophe of Benghazi and the entire "Arab Spring," to the escalating belligerence of North Korea, to America's faltering and ever more subservient relationship with the Chinese, the repercussions of Barack Obama's philosophy of appeasement and capitulation towards despotic foreign governments has only emboldened them against us. In response, he endeavors to shrink the U.S. military under the bogus premise of saving federal dollars.

At home, the domestic economy is in a shambles and only getting worse. Massive federal debt is hemorrhaging America's money supply and stifling growth while any brief uptick in the economy is immediately offset by the corresponding surge in fuel costs. As the tentacles of Obamacare extend their reach into the private sector, businesses are struggling and collapsing under the load. Many have engaged in massive layoffs, while others have simply shelved plans to expand. Consequently, the unemployment rate has remained at levels not seen since the Carter recession of the late 1970s. Meanwhile, food stamp enrollment and dependency on other overloaded federal programs are skyrocketing.

The faltering country we see around us is not the result of happenstance. It was in the process of imploding long before any hurricane or tidal wave on the other side of the planet might have negatively influenced it, and it has continued to struggle long after those regions were on the mend. National economies and societal structures have always been subject to cyclical ebbs and flows, and this country is no exception. Yet something has fundamentally changed in the past several years. America is no longer picking itself back up, nor even attempting to figure out a means of doing so. Rather, among too many, the focus has been redirected to merely coping with the nation's deteriorating condition, as if those who should be held accountable can believably assert innocence while resigning all of us to the unknowable quirks of fate.

But these are not abstract forces that continually undermine our nation, and threaten to bring it to its knees. What we are seeing is premeditated and orchestrated. And the blame must be rightly placed. This is the grim reality of Barack Obama's America.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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