Chris Adamo
Governor Perry undercuts Barack Obama's SOTU ruse
By Chris Adamo
February 15, 2013

Despite all of the leftist hype and contrived anticipation preceding Barack Obama's 2013 "State of the Union" spectacle, the entire event was monotonously predictable and absolutely nothing of substance came out of it. From his standard litany of disingenuous platitudes to the shameless media fawning that inevitably followed, every aspect of Obama's latest appearance followed the standard pattern of a self-absorbed ruler and his slavish public relations lapdogs posing as news reporters.

Even their "coverage" of the rebuttal by Senator Marco Rubio (R.-FL) was executed according to a previously strategized plan. As has invariably been the case with any previous Republican "rising star," Rubio was slated for political annihilation before he ever spoke a word. In the end, the liberal "punditry" seized on Rubio's sip of water as a gaffe that somehow eclipsed the substance of everything he had to say. Since their only alternative would have been to weigh his commentary against Obama's stream of vacuous lies, liberal commentators were determined to avert a side-by-side comparison at all cost, and regardless of how petty the deception made them appear.

With North Korea assembling a nuclear arsenal and tooling up for war, radical Islam burgeoning throughout the Middle-East in the wake of Obama's "Arab Spring, and the U.S. economy continuing to unravel, of course the defining issue of the day is the hysterically concocted impropriety of taking a drink of water in front of the cameras. In contrast, Barack Obama's straight faced announcement that "Nothing I'm proposing tonight should increase our deficit by a single dime" can best be translated "My loyal followers are a bunch of idiots." Yet to the liberal media, this glaring affront to common sense is not news. Clearly, they regard their devoted viewership with equal contempt.

Many on the right have expressed outrage at Obama's threat to bypass the Congress if it fails to cooperate with him. Yet even this is nothing new. For many years, Obama has repeatedly made know his resentment of the Constitution and the limits it imposes on his grandiose plan to remake America, openly decrying its checks and balances as an irritation and an impediment. From his first days in office, his actions have revealed a determination to circumvent them by any means possible. Forget all of that trite nonsense about swearing to uphold the Constitution. That archaic scrap of parchment, and indeed the law itself are merely an obstacle to be overcome.

So aside from being perhaps a bit more bloated with his self-importance (if that is even possible), what the nation received Tuesday evening was merely an assurance from Obama that the destruction will continue, perhaps accelerated a bit as the Washington GOP Establishment continues its retreat. His minions are pleased that the culture will continue to implode, and the hemorrhaging of the nation's treasury through the time proven disaster of redistribution will go on, at least for the moment. Inside the Beltway, this is merely business as usual.

Meanwhile, out in the hinterlands, the simmering resentment in the American Heartland is coming to a boil. Citizens are increasingly regarding their state governments as a firewall against the federal government assault. Though the expected Republican turncoats are acquiescing to Obamacare mandates in such states as Ohio, and Nevada, elsewhere, truly conservative governors are drawing a line in the sand, and taking an increasingly confrontational tone against the ravages of the nanny state.

Once again, Texas Governor Rick Perry is setting the example of just how such an endeavor is to be undertaken. Despite his lackluster showing in the Republican presidential primaries last spring, Perry has continued to lead his state in a manner that not only yields great results on the economic front, but inspires an increasingly forceful dissent among the "grassroots" across the nation.

Having openly castigated Obama on many issues, including Second Amendment rights and the culture, Governor Perry has also rebuffed the administration in regards to taxes, spending, and the economy. In stark contrast to Obama's empty fraud, Perry offers as evidence the successes of his ideology as Texas continues to lead the nation in new jobs and general economic growth.

Now, in a bold move that highlights the stark differences between the failing collectivist model and America's time honored free market, Perry is essentially taking on the disastrous ideologies which dominate the government of California. Traveling to the once "golden" state this past week, he visited major entrepreneurs and invited them to relocate their companies to Texas, where the business climate is far more conducive to success than in California's increasingly taxed and regulated environment.

Not surprisingly, the liberal media is gloating that no businesses have taken Perry up on his offer (yet). It is unfortunate that they never exhibited a comparable interest in the results of Obama's bogus "stimulus," though its cost wasn't measured in thousands of dollars (as was Perry's effort) but in hundreds of billions of dollars.

Of course none of this sits well with California's politicians and bureaucrats, who view businesses as a source of revenue to be squeezed for the benefit of the nanny state. Only last November, they gushed with joy over passage of the ballot initiative that raises taxes on high earners, and on which they pinned hopes of alleviating their state's ballooning debt. To their surprise, revenues have since fallen, as the increased tax burdens have undercut businesses and further stagnated the state's economy.

In frustration, California Governor Jerry Brown (appropriately dubbed "Governor Moonbeam" back in the 1970s, on account of his flaky and fanciful leftist worldview) reacted to Perry's audacious move by throwing an embarrassing tantrum. Comparing Perry's comments to "burps" and other body functions, Brown's childish antagonism was a disgrace to both himself and his state, though the prevailing culture of the West Coast likely renders the majority of its population incapable of realizing this.

Nevertheless, struggling businesses in California and across all of America are being made aware that they can reestablish themselves in a region that is aware of their plight and willing to assist their attempts to flourish. Observing the starkly contrasting political and social climates of Texas and California, Americans can see their options for the future, along with the benefits and consequences of each. As Barack Obama endeavors to cloud the issues and deflect attention from his ongoing socialist boondoggle, and Jerry Brown wallows in an ever deepening mire of unsustainable collectivism, "Congratulations" are owed to Texas Governor Rick Perry for making his case for renewed American greatness and prosperity with such clarity.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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