Chris Adamo
Two conventions, two irreconcilable world views
By Chris Adamo
September 6, 2012

The Democrat National Convention has opened in Charlotte North Carolina on the heels of a highly successful Republican Convention held the week prior in Tampa, Florida. And despite all attempts by the old-media to portray the situation otherwise, the Democrats are at a distinct disadvantage and have been forced to go on defense.

Those scurrilous Republicans, led by their party presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his VP nominee Paul Ryan, simply refuse to play by the rules. Countless times in the past, political strategists from the Republican establishment successfully convinced aspiring candidates that "moderation" was key to winning independent voters. Of course, liberals publicly agreed, knowing full well that an insipid and "moderate" GOP worked to the best interests of the Democrats.

Unfortunately for Democrats, last week's Republican gathering was anything but watered-down. Rather, it was a great reminder of this nation's exceptional past, complete with recollections of its extraordinary deeds on every front. Recounting the former achievements of American businesses, as well as the accomplishments of its citizenry when faced with burgeoning evil from abroad, this was a gathering of proud and optimistic Americans.

In stark contrast to the current brooding melancholy of the nation's languishing economy, its diminishing standing on the world stage, and its societal disintegration, Republicans boldly proclaimed that those previous heights can once again be reached and even surpassed. But this bright prospect of a future will only be realized if the nation awakens from the ideological stupor that overtook it in 2006 and 2008, when it unwittingly embraced the premises of collectivism and moral relativism, for which it has paid dearly ever since.

Throughout the Republican convention the message was unmistakably clear, whether from Mitt Romney who confidently assured America that national recovery is possible, to Paul Ryan who explained the manner in which it can be pursued, to actor Clint Eastwood who succinctly made the case that the current administration must be shown the door. The entire episode amounted to a reaffirmation of American excellence, and a clarion call to the people of the Heartland to seize hold of its ideals once again, while they still have the ability to do so. And against the backdrop of the current condition of the country, its significance resonated in unmistakable terms, and it is easy to understand why.

Overwhelmingly, Americans are shocked and appalled to see just how much their country has been transformed during the past three and a half years. Though from the start, the economic recession of 2008-2009 was alarming in its scope, the nation had endured downturns in its past, and more often than not, quickly rebounded from them. This time however, it has been mired in economic doldrums for an unprecedented length of time, and as a direct consequence of liberal policy, no end is in sight. Clearly, the collectivist model has failed here, as it always does.

But in spite of this inescapable truth, the administration of Barack Obama has plowed headlong into its own statist nightmare, devastating the free market by implementing Obamacare, and sinking to new depths of cronyism with its trillion dollar "stimulus" spending binge, while trashing the Constitution in the process. However, before the devastation can be completed, and the nation mutated to the point that no restoration is possible, the Republican ticket offers a reassuring alternative, steeped in traditional values, patriotism, old-fashioned capitalism, and individual freedom.

So, as such time-honored tenets of the American ideal were given center stage in Tampa, what have Democrats concluded to be the best response? Abhorrently, they opted to exploit their moment in the national spotlight as a means of promoting the basest precepts of the modern counterculture and the most pathetic byproducts of the nanny state. Apparently, the best and brightest on the left steadfastly believe that a nation which can be convinced of its otherwise inescapable failure will resign itself to that fate, groveling gratefully at the feet of its liberal benefactors.

Michelle Obama was tasked with opening the Democrat Convention, in what has been billed as an effort to rekindle the "magic" of the 2008 campaign. And it was wholly predictable that, long before uttering a single word, she would be touted as a phenomenal success. Yet reality stood squarely in the way. Reality has had a chance to catch up with those phony Greek columns and the empty platitudes of "hope and change" and "healing the planet." Four years of blindly leftist domestic policy, with its wholly expected results, rendered any credible replay of those banalities an impossibility. The stalled economy, a business community leery of expanding in the face of costly and escalating government mandates, and a growing segment of the populace that expects others to fund its subsistence, do not portend well for a bright and cheery national future.

Even more significantly, too many people are grimly aware of the stark contrast between the stagnant business climate across the nation with its resultant crumbling communities and disintegrating families, and the criminally lavish manner in which Michelle Obama has treated her position as First Lady. Innumerable "family vacations" on Air Force jets, accompanied by an enormously excessive staff, the entire expense of which is borne by the taxpayers, hardly speak of selfless and devoted leaders of the people.

Meanwhile, beneath the glitter and perfunctory flag waving, an ominous pattern of anti-American and countercultural subversion looms. Past mentions of "God" in the Democrat platform were removed, only to be returned to its text to avoid bad publicity, and this despite venomous opposition from the delegates. Yet the entire Democrat convention was officially preceded by a two hour Islamic "prayer meeting," intended by its sponsors to promote among other things a proper respect and acceptance of Sharia law. Over time, the real and very sinister intentions of those who decry the nation's Judeo-Christian roots are becoming apparent.

So, in contrast to Republican concerns and warnings of an imploding national economy, diminishing energy supplies, metastasizing threats from Islamofacists, and growing international competition from China, what do the Democrats highlight as their own apprehensions for the future of the country? And who do they champion as a role model to triumph over those difficulties? More than the Iranians or Chinese, we are told to fear a mythical "war on women." And Sandra Fluke, the thirty-something year old "college co-ed" who testified that the cost of her birth-control was unsustainable, and should be borne by her fellow citizens, will take center stage as the shining heroine of that struggle.

In past elections, grassroots conservatives have decried their electoral choices on the basis that "not a dime's worth of difference exists between the two candidates." However, the nature of these two conventions indicates that this election will present voters with options for the future of their nation more divergent than at any other time in its history.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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