Chris Adamo
Obama unmasked over time by "gaffes"
By Chris Adamo
June 21, 2012

The liberal media is in full damage control mode, owing to Barack Obama's latest blunder. Assessing the nation's ongoing economic struggles during a June 8 press conference, he flatly stated "The private sector is doing fine. Where we're seeing weaknesses in our economy have to do with state and local governments." It must be understood here that the real blunder was not his completely reversed portrayal of the abysmal private sector business climate in comparison to the realm of government jobs. Rather, it was the fact that he let this very telling bit of information slip, and thus revealed yet another bit of evidence marking him as a classic statist.

America immediately reacted to his comment with shock and outrage, since it not only reflects an inherent indifference to the struggles of common citizens on Main Street, but also gives insight as to his real priorities, which are to continue to amass wealth and power within government. Anyone who naively held expectations that he might attempt to truly work for the betterment of the American people has another reason to despair. Since his inauguration, Barack Obama has never sincerely endeavored to take the proper action to bring America out of its unending recession. And by his words, he reveals that he still has absolutely no intention of doing so.

In his twisted Keynesian worldview, private business and commerce is not the foundation for America's prosperity. Rather, they are an inherently sinister outgrowth of greed and materialism, which must be constantly restrained and limited, for the general good of society, by those beneficent power brokers in high office. Concurrently, the wealth and productivity generated from the private sector inexplicably provides the lifeblood of government, by which it can empower itself to right all of the perceived wrongs of a capitalist culture.

Of course these two concepts are diametrically opposed to each other. And it is primarily for that reason that the Obama Administration has tirelessly worked for the expansion of the state, which ultimately redounds to the detriment of the American economy. Nevertheless, the established orthodoxy of the left is too ingrained in the minds of its advocates for it to ever be seriously or logically questioned. Consequently, the horribly skewed policies that brought the economy crashing down in early 2009, and have kept it in the doldrums ever since, will prevail as long as this regime remains in power. Regardless of the ongoing economic disaster and the suffering it has caused at all levels, America can expect nothing from Obama or his minions but more of the policies that contributed to it.

The evidence continues to mount on every front, revealing with stark clarity who Barack Obama really is. The only point of dispute being just how much more harm to the nation will have to occur before his intellectually blind and sycophantic minions will admit the truth and concede that such a course is not some inadvertent accident.

In another unrelated "gaffe," he once again bowed to a foreign leader. This time, it was to Mexican President Felipe Calderon. On June 18, while attending the G20 Leaders Summit in Los Cabos Mexico, he repeated the fawning gesture for which he is now famous. Clearly, after many similar occasions, it is becoming obvious to all but the most myopic that his behavior is fully intentional. Its purpose is to tell the world that under his leadership, America is being properly cut down to size, and will no longer assert itself as an arrogant superpower. And in the case of Mexico, it is another precisely timed pander to all who assert that nation's interests over our own, as evidenced by his subsequent and unconstitutional implementation of the "Dream Act"/amnesty agenda.

In every case, it is not Barack Obama, the narcissist in chief, who is compelled to submit, it is all of America on whose behalf he grovels. Unfortunately, this message is being readily received by the rest of the world, and those nations that regard us as a competitor, whether economically, diplomatically, or militarily, are more than willing to relate to us on such terms.

Elsewhere in the Obama Administration, Attorney General Eric Holder has finally exhausted the patience of the U.S. House of Representatives. Congressman Darryl Issa (R.-CA) is proceeding with a contempt of Congress vote against Holder. In what can only be explained as a stalling action, Holder refuses to comply with congressional requests for information regarding the flagrantly illegal "Operation Fast and Furious," by which Mexican drug lords were supplied with assault weapons.

Holder is committing his own share of "gaffes," some of which border on the embarrassingly ridiculous. In recent testimony, he attempted to make the case that e-mail references to "Fast and Furious" were taken out of context, and did not actually refer to "Operation Fast and Furious." Of course he came to the hearing dripping with credibility, having already established a shameless track record of flagrant bias and unprecedented politicization of the Justice Department.

On a more patently serious note, the budding controversy of national security "leaks," very likely originating from the White House, are no more reflective of inadvertent stumbles than any of the other undercutting actions of the Obama Administration. While inappropriate releases of information occur with unfortunate regularity in Washington, this situation has clearly caused grave damage to America's diplomatic and intelligence efforts. Yet it was presented as an effort to boost Obama's standing among the perennially gullible. As such, it warrants a thorough investigation, requiring full cooperation from the Obama White House. Of course, this presumes that the administration is really interested in identifying the culprit. Therefore, the net result is that investigators can only expect more delay tactics, stonewalling, and obfuscation.

Barack Obama's track record of humiliating and dangerous actions, going all the way back to his boorish 2009 return of the Winston Churchill bust to England, and his "gift" of an i-pod containing recordings of his speeches to Queen Elizabeth (no bowing or reverence there) have clearly been intentional and purposeful. Since taking the White House, he has been unwavering in his efforts to demean and degrade this nation in the eyes of the world. When this grim truth is acknowledged, all of the other pieces fit.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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