Chris Adamo
Eric Holder's end game: stealing the November elections
By Chris Adamo
April 12, 2012

James O'Keefe has struck again. And once more, he deserves a medal for his heroic operation. In 2009, he and an accomplice, Hannah Giles, laid bare the rampant criminal activities being perpetrated nationwide by ACORN, the subversive network of leftist activists whose seditious political work had previously remained largely under the radar. As a result of that exposure, ACORN was forced to officially disband and reorganize, though its activity is ongoing.

This time, O'Keefe spotlighted the epidemic of deliberate vote fraud that liberals have promoted throughout the country in recent years, and which portends the destruction of its foundations if not soon confronted and corrected. And though O'Keefe did not take his sting operation directly to the Department of Justice, by making his case so profoundly, he essentially put the nation's highest law enforcement office on notice that it will be held accountable for its action, and perhaps more so for its inaction when presented with such incontrovertible evidence of rampant criminal malfeasance at the voting booth.

By now the account of O'Keefe's stunning maneuver has been widely retold. In short, he went to the very polling place where Eric Holder (Barack Obama's Attorney General) would vote, and proved that current voter identification and verification practices are so inadequate as to permit O'Keefe to accept a ballot and vote in Holder's name, had he a mind to do so. This is particularly incriminating since it is Holder who has done more than any other high official to purposefully undermine the voting process in this country.

Beginning with his contemptible decision to ignore the flagrant acts of voter intimidation perpetrated by members of the "New Black Panther" organization in Philadelphia in 2009, Holder has an unbroken track record of choosing to overlook criminal behavior based not on the real substance of the law or the nature of any breaches, but on whether or not the liberal agenda will be served or harmed by a strenuous legal response.

J. Christian Adams, formerly an attorney at the Voting Rights Section of the Department of Justice, eventually left his position and wrote an expose on the racial motivations which completely poisoned the department on Holder's watch. In his book, he grimly warned America that the end result of this violation of trust, if not appropriately addressed, would be "lawlessness."

In like manner, O'Keefe rendered proof positive that organized hordes of illegal "voters" can significantly skew the results of elections throughout the nation, just by claiming the identities of registered voters in those particular districts. And to nobody's real surprise, Eric Holder is the most vigorous champion of maintaining the present system just as it is, while seeking to disparage and discredit O'Keefe.

Amazingly, Holder can apparently remain totally oblivious to flagrant crime if it serves his interests, while summoning an uncanny ability to concoct misdeeds where none have occurred. For just as resolutely as he refused to concede perpetration of crimes by the New Black Panthers, he fiercely pursues the ostensible possibility of "voter intimidation" elsewhere in the nation, absent any credible accusations from disenfranchised voters, but instead based on the premise that merely requiring legitimate identification might result in such.

So while the "Justice" Department cannot bring itself to protect white voters, who were criminally prevented from voting in Philadelphia, it is in hot pursuit of those "lawbreakers" in the state governments of Texas and South Carolina who want proper identification from would-be voters in their jurisdictions. In truth Holder is not bothered by the illegal activities of "New Black Panthers" since they do not threaten the advance of liberalism, but efforts to keep the polling places honest and upright clearly endanger the aspirations of the political left.

What could possibly be the motivation of the Justice Department in such circumstances, other than to insidiously seize control of the ballot box, and thereby predetermine the outcome of the nation's elections? Or perhaps more accurately, can any other reasonable explanation be offered in defense of this flagrantly biased and ideologically driven course of action?

Meanwhile, it is necessary to recall Holder's other malignant attack on state sovereignty, and the very ability of states to maintain their integrity. In April of 2010, Arizona passed a law requiring the verification of identification of individuals caught in crimes who might possibly be illegal aliens. Of course, this resulted in an incredible outcry from every subversive group seeking the eradication of America's borders. Before the law could take effect, Holder led the charge to have it overturned. Most incredibly, his premise was that Arizona's effort to reduce the flood of illegals infringed on the jurisdiction of the federal government which, of course, would do nothing to improve the situation.

Since that time, Holder has taken similar action against Alabama, where a comparable measure was signed into law in 2011. Again, the DOJ premise is that states cannot interfere in a matter that it claims to be under federal authority. And in keeping with the betrayal of Arizona, Holder's Department is unwilling to lift a finger to alleviate the influx of illegals into Alabama.

After Barack Obama exposed the nation to the ugly realities of liberalism in 2009 and 2010, Democrat political fortunes tanked, culminating in the rout of the Democrat controlled Congress in 2010. Since then, Barack Obama's approval ratings have plummeted, and prospects for a rally are looking increasingly bleak. With the jobs market continuing to languish, energy costs skyrocketing, and America's standing in the world dropping to historically low levels, it seems increasingly unlikely that an open and honest election will benefit the liberals. So of course they are looking for ways to affect the ballot box through stealthy and dishonest tactics. And as abhorrent as this prospect may be, it is far worse that an election victory gained in such a manner would mark the end of any possibility that real America could ever again triumph through legal and peaceable means.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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