Chris Adamo
America gravely threatened by activist government
By Chris Adamo
March 29, 2012

As America watches in suspense, the United States Supreme Court is taking up the case of whether or not Obamacare is, in whole or in part, unconstitutional. In an abominable degeneration of the former greatness on which this nation was founded, its fate as a free republic now rests in the hands of nine appointed jurists. And though each has sworn an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States," once in office they are under absolutely no legal compulsion to do so.

It is therefore no surprise (though completely appalling) that Obamacare, a flagrantly unconstitutional piece of legislation which violates every precept of the American ideal, will very likely be decided by an almost evenly split court. The nation waits helplessly as its foundations are either maintained or eradicated by this single body. And should the High Court decide for Obamacare and against America, "We the people" are left with no legal redress.

Were the constitutionality of Obamacare, or more precisely, its total lack thereof, the ultimate premise for the court's determination, the whole monstrosity would unanimously be struck down. Absolutely no one hoping to retain any legitimacy as a constitutional expert could honestly assert otherwise. The court, as originally envisioned, was intended to arbitrate conflicts of governing philosophy between Adams and Jefferson, not Adams and Lenin.

Unfortunately, in the current era, sincere interest in operating within the boundaries of the Constitution is on the decline. In a sinister departure from that honored premise, the nation's high courts regularly invoke prevailing social trends, the sympathies and personal preferences of presiding judges, and even foreign law as legal justification for their frequently abominable decisions.

However, even those despicable judicial betrayals only represent a portion of the exponentially worsening picture. On multiple fronts, the attacks against America by its government are rife with corruption, abuses of power, and brazen conflicts of interest. The background of a certain "justice" now posturing as an "impartial" adjudicator determining the fate of Obamacare is a good place to start, but ultimately is only the tip of the iceberg.

Elena Kagan, the newest member of the Supreme Court, previously held the position of Barack Obama's Solicitor General, which is the legal counsel who argues for White House causes before that very court. In this capacity, Kagan championed the unconstitutional and anti-American glories of Obamacare itself! Clearly, the strategy of installing an Obamacare acolyte on the court was based on the expectation that congressional and senate Republicans would be too cowardly to exercise any oversight or voice any protests of her thoroughly compromised situation. And thus far, the gamble appears to be paying off. The "honorable" Justice Kagan, who will undoubtedly exercise all of the "honor" of any proverbial fox guarding the chicken coop, shamelessly declines to recuse herself.

Americans at the "grassroots" have awakened in recent decades to the ravages of judges who "legislate from the bench." Clearly, the Obamacare debacle, and the threat it poses to the nation, highlight the degree to which it has been dispossessed from its roots. Yet the picture gets worse still. In truth, it is not merely the judiciary, but virtually every high level branch of government that is currently shattering every former boundary, and engaging in "legislating," devoid of any rightful authority to do so, but continuing unchecked by virtue of a complete lack of opposition.

Among the major contributors to high gasoline prices is the decidedly anti-American, anti-capitalist "Environmental Protection Agency" and its ongoing moratorium of exploration and drilling for new petroleum sources within this nation's borders, including the Gulf of Mexico. Even after certain of its actions were declared illegal by U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman, the Obama regime has nonetheless continued to unilaterally prevent the development of American petroleum reserves, regardless of the harm and deprivation it causes to the citizenry. And despite recent posturing in front of the cameras with claims to the contrary, Barack Obama is solidly behind this effort.

By far the most egregious perpetrator of unauthorized "legislating" is Attorney General Eric Holder, who incessantly utilizes the Department of "Justice" which he heads, as a means of advancing his far-left agenda. Nowhere in this nation's history or its constitutional charter was the position of Attorney General intended as a means by which an unelected individual could restructure and fabricate law, by picking and choosing which statutes he would enforce and which ones he would ignore, based solely on his personal interests and goals. In a criminal perversion of his office and its purpose, Holder does exactly that. And unlike former attorneys general who were summarily removed from office for comparatively minor infractions, Holder has yet to be held accountable for his shocking and detestable abuses of power.

Certainly, the most widely discussed DOJ malfeasance under Holder has been the "Fast and Furious" fiasco, by which the United States government conveyed firearms into the hands of Mexican drug lords. This vile scheme, ostensibly implemented for the purpose of tracking their activities, was in reality an effort to create a "crisis" of domestic gun violence (Remember Rahm Emmanuel's affinity of crisis...) as a springboard from which to attack and undermine the Second Amendment.

Yet long before that debacle, Holder had already revealed his intention to thoroughly twist and poison the law. His willingness to sanction the acts of voter intimidation in Philadelphia by the "New Black Panthers," by summarily dropping the virtually airtight case against them, revealed a sinister goal of abandoning any "blind" even handedness of authentic justice, and reshaping the nation's highest law enforcement office into a weapon to be wielded with criminal partiality at the behest of embittered minorities.

Likewise, Holder's vacuous attacks on the immigration laws of Arizona, Alabama, and other states, along with DOJ opposition to state efforts at confronting election fraud though photo ID requirements reveal a decidedly leftist agenda, imposed through the criminal misuse of DOJ authority. Despite his transparent attempts to justify these measures on the basis that such enforcement might be "discriminatory," it is glaringly obvious that Holder's real aim is to neutralize the efforts of the American people to ensure legitimate elections and proper governance now or in the future.

As the situation continues to deteriorate, each new edict concocted by such an army of activists constitutes the eradication, possibly forever, of another right and freedom of the private citizen. Now America finds itself lapsing into a dangerous transition from stupidly and carelessly forfeiting those rights, to having them forcibly wrested from the people.

The deeds of the Obama Administration in concert with its sycophantic cadre of department heads, regulators and "Czars," increasingly reveal the ugly path from freedom to tyranny.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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