Chris Adamo
Why the left abhors the Ryan budget
By Chris Adamo
March 22, 2012

The transparently choreographed liberal/Democrat hysterics over the proposed federal budget of Representative Paul Ryan (R.-WI) might seem a bit excessive and drenched in paranoia, given that the measure has zero chance of ever being enacted. Yet in light of the successes of America's grassroots during the past three years, it does indeed represent a potential first step towards dismantling the leftist nanny-state that has brought this country to the brink of societal collapse and financial insolvency.

Certainly, the Ryan budget could not garner the necessary votes to pass in Harry Reid's Democrat controlled Senate. And beyond that, an even more insurmountable obstacle looms in the White House, where it would need the signature of Barack Obama in order to become law. It would drastically curtail government spending and reduce personal and corporate income taxes. But most significantly, its crowning feature is the complete repeal of Obamacare which would exceed any leftist boundary, even if Democrats ever were predisposed to the "bipartisanship" they so sanctimoniously demand from their Republican counterparts. And of course they are not.

So why would a bill that has absolutely no chance of passage or implementation generate such consuming fear and dismay among its opponents? The answer is simply that it characterizes both the genuine hope of America's future, and the manner in which the traditions and institutions of this great nation can and must be restored. As such, it unambiguously defines the choice Americans must make this fall, if their beloved country is to survive.

It thus represents a starkly divergent course from the current "fast track to insolvency" on which the Reid/Pelosi Congress and Obama White House have placed America. If Republicans diligently focus on it, voters will increasingly recognize the defining criticality of the fall's elections and the consequences they face if they accept the liberal status quo.

In contrast to the Ryan budget, even a cursory examination of the leftist agenda of recent years reveals the twisted philosophies from which liberals derive their political worldview. While frustrated Americans imprudently delivered Congress into the hands of the Democrats in 2006 as a repudiation of Republican capitulation and fiscal irresponsibility, and though they likewise bought the inane utopian promises of Barack Obama as preferable to the back-peddling and "moderation" of John McCain in 2008, they were clearly unprepared for the leftist onslaught that has since ensued against their beloved country. But when confronted with the ugly reality that has befallen them since Obama's inauguration, they have fervently sought to rectify their blunder.

Americans had no desire to see their health-care system forcibly nationalized as if they were living in some banana republic. Nor did they expect that the largely manufactured financial upheaval of late 2008 would be subsequently exploited as an excuse to criminally squander trillions of dollars on government expansion under the bogus premises of economic "stimulus."

Since that time, the good people of this country have recoiled in shock as their out-of-control government has voraciously confiscated two of the nation's three major automobile manufacturers, carelessly doled out billions to futile "green energy" projects that shortly thereafter go into default, and demanded multi-trillion dollar debt ceiling increases to "cover" the ongoing expenditures. Americans know and understand the financial catastrophe that is unfolding across the Atlantic Ocean in Europe, and are outraged that those holding this nation's reins of power would relentlessly steer it in a similar direction. Nor do they intend to sit idly by as the costs of these irresponsible actions are piled onto future generations.

In light of this, the Ryan budget serves to remind Americans that they can restore their nation's former economic splendor, but only if the choking burdens of overregulation and over-taxation are reversed. Americans can continue to enjoy the greatest and most advanced health-care system on the planet, but doing so requires the immediate rescinding of the socialist monstrosity of Obamacare. And Americans can tame the entitlement monster before it drains the life out of the current generation and leaves a nation of squalor for the next, but only if drastic reforms in the scope and structure of the programs are implemented.

Unfortunately, given the existing make-up of the United States Senate, and the current occupant of the White House, no such changes will ensue. Any truly effective changes will absolutely require a major house-cleaning in Washington this November. As things presently stand, the nation's budget will continue to mushroom and its economy continue to stagnate interminably under the load of reckless spending. The languishing segment of society which presumes that its wellbeing is the responsibility of those who work, pay their bills, and cough up their taxes will continue to grow. And despite endless pontification and empty assurances to the contrary, the circumstances guaranteeing the inevitable and cataclysmic financial meltdown will worsen.

Despite the best efforts at history revisionism and the poisoning of young minds through "politically correct" indoctrination in the educational establishment, the people of this nation have not forgotten their legacy, nor relinquished their birthright. Given an informed choice between a downward spiral into socialism and the meager subsistence it offers for the huddled masses, or the renewal of possibility for those able to dream and willing to toil to make their dreams come true, Americans will overwhelmingly opt for the latter.

The Ryan budget illuminates this circumstance. America has arrived at a defining fork in the road. It can accept the premise that it must decline in prosperity and freedom, or it can reverse and repeal the disastrous decisions of the past four years, and begin to repair the enormous damage they have done. What Democrats fear, above all else, is that the people of the Heartland might enter the voting booths on Election Day comprehending what needs to be done to heal their land, and who stands in the way of every effort to undo the evils of liberalism.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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