Chris Adamo
Can liberals devise a new "grassroots" phenomenon?
By Chris Adamo
October 13, 2011

On August 1, 1988, several dozen radio stations across America began broadcasting a revolutionary radio program in which a single individual, with no guests, delivered a veritable monologue of observations on the state of the nation and its culture. In only a few short years, that handful of local radio affiliates grew to over six hundred, with the total audience easily topping twenty million. Thus had Rush Limbaugh and his "Excellence In Broadcasting" network, stormed the national stage.

As the voice of the American Heartland, it was immediately apparent to the left that Limbaugh constituted a grave threat to the liberal agenda. Consequently, throughout the past twenty three years, he has regularly endured contemptible attacks which are standard fare from the liberal playbook. From deliberate misquotes to selective editing to outright fabrications attributed to him, the left has relentlessly sought not to rebut his worldview, but to forcibly eliminate it from public discourse.

Most notably, it futilely attempted for a time to compete directly against him. One leftist "savior" after another was presented to the public as a new left-of-center "rising star" on talk radio, and thereafter trumpeted as the latest "antidote to Rush Limbaugh," replete with promises of the impending demise of his dominance. At one point an entire liberal radio network, "Air America," was established, under the auspices of neutralizing his presentation of the truth though yet another dispersal of liberal misinformation. But in the end, the entire strategy only served to prove how irreconcilably out of touch the left was, and is, with Real America, and how starkly its fraudulence and disingenuousness are contrasted against the mindset of those common people on Main Street.

Contrary to its obsessive quest to outdo Limbaugh, the American left had no driving purpose for any new outlet for its propaganda, since it already possessed an overwhelming advantage, at least in the number of such venues, with its total dominance of the major broadcast networks, cable news networks (with the sole exception of Fox News), and all of the nation's largest newspaper markets. Its ability to shape the debate of the day was never endangered by any lack of its own sympathetic mouthpieces, but by the collapse of the total information monopoly it had previously enjoyed.

Unfortunately, even the enormity of Limbaugh's popularity was insufficient to overcome the forces that coalesced in 2006 and again in 2008 to give Democrats control of both the Congress and the White House. This afforded the left yet another opportunity to sidestep any constitutional safeguards and impose its sordid agenda on an unwilling people, ultimately threatening the very future of the nation.

Yet America did not accept this fate passively. In early 2009, mere weeks after the inauguration of Barack Obama, and despite the nearly universal media accolades offered in praise of him, a heartfelt movement of concerned citizens congealed and almost overnight grew to mammoth proportions. Its members recognized with alarm that the great nation they had known and loved was being systematically wrested from them and dismantled before their very eyes. In this manner the "Tea Party" movement had arisen from the ashes of an ingrown and often cowardly Republican Party that increasingly sought to retain its national presence by kowtowing to the liberal Democrats.

Predictably, liberal media minions did their best to discredit and disparage the Tea Party, insisting that it represented a brief "flash in the pan," which would soon dissipate. In an embarrassingly juvenile effort to undermine it, prominent "news" reporters deliberately mislabeled its members as "Tea Baggers" (a reference to perverse sexual activity). Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-NV) and then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi derided it as phony and inconsequential, employing such terms as "Astroturf" in an effort to differentiate it from the real "Grassroots."

But just as Rush Limbaugh has prevailed in the face of such malicious attacks, and has often even utilized them as a springboard from which to gain even greater heights, so has the Tea Party successfully overcome its naysayers. In fact, over time it has consistently been able to bolster its standing with the American people, based on the dramatic contrast it represents from the "mainstream" media and its liberal collaborators on Capitol Hill.

So, the left is once again working to construct its own mass movement, touting it as the real voice of the people. It is this effort that lies at the root of the vastly overblown "Occupy Wall Street" debacle of recent weeks. And, once again, the underlying truths of this effort inexorably highlight the real means and motives of liberal America.

Hardly a "spontaneous" outpouring of cohesive sentiment among the people of the nation, this phenomenon has been pre-planned, orchestrated, and funded from the top-down. In that aspect alone, it wholly and accurately reflects the standard operating procedures and mindset of its statist creators. Nor do its players engender compelling hopes and goals for the nation. Rather, they expose the standard subversive Alinsky/Soros fingerprints, along with the necessary funding and top-down control that invariably come from them.

Furthermore, despite the strenuous support and enabling of sympathetic Democrat politicians up to the nation's highest office, blindly augmented by its media lackeys, the movement totals only a minute fraction of those enormous Tea Party gatherings of the recent years. Its comparatively tiny membership of human parasites, reeking in mind and body with all of the poison of unfettered liberalism, will only serve to remind the country of the hideous course onto which it could be dragged, if true patriots allow the worst to ensue.

Endowed with a mantle of sanctimony conferred upon it by liberal mouthpieces on the nightly news, its members possess neither the conscience nor the dignity to be embarrassed to stand in public and assert an "unalienable right" to mooch from the productive segment of society. Clearly an orchestrated event, this overhyped exhibition could never have gotten even as far as it has without massive behind the scenes effort and funding from organizations such as ACORN (regardless of whatever name its members currently claim). Nor can it continue without a massive and ongoing infusion of money and effort from its subversive sponsors. And so the protestors continue, with increasing ferocity, making their demands. All the while, they remain unaware of the one indisputable truth of a cancer, namely the absolute impossibility, under any circumstances, that it could ever outlive its host. So in the end, the "Occupy Wall Street" circus will go the way of "Air America."

In the meantime, its abhorrent ugliness must be inextricably linked to its philosophical allies in the Democrat party, where the concept was originally spawned.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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