Chris Adamo
America's current fiscal crisis in perspective
By Chris Adamo
July 28, 2011

Behavioral counselors overwhelmingly agree that people cannot break destructive habits without first being made to recognize the harmful nature of their actions, thereby accepting the responsibility and consequences for them. The same is true of societies and ultimately, governments. Unfortunately, even with an abundance of worldwide chaos serving as proof of the disastrous repercussions of liberalism, America's indoctrinated leftists are at once too arrogant and too ideologically blinded to concede their errors and change course before society around them reaches a point of no return.

The nation has not yet hit rock bottom, but certain sectors appear determined to get it there before any serious effort can be made to change course. A couple of recent events in California, arguably America's bastion of mindless liberal sanctimony, incontrovertibly make this point.

On July 25, Governor Jerry Brown signed the "California Dream Act," which paves the way for greater access to California schools by illegal aliens. In its present version, the measure is privately funded, as if anyone really believes that tuition is the only resultant cost of students who do not legally reside in the state. Furthermore, all those involved with passage of the California Dream Act have made it clear that they fully intend this legal outrage as merely another incremental step towards taxpayer funded assistance for illegals seeking higher education.

Amazingly, on the very heels of this betrayal of the Golden State (along with the rest of America), California Treasurer Bill Lockyer is demanding a $5 Billion "loan" from the federal government in order to keep the handouts flowing from every bloated and corrupt government institution under his jurisdiction. In other words, while ultra-liberal ideologues such as Jerry Brown continue their demolition of any sensible fiscal discipline, his minions shamelessly insist that the rest of the nation foot the bill for their abominable actions.

Thus, like the self-consumed addict, California has every intention of maintaining its present course, while parasitically consuming America's resources in the process. And to an unimaginable degree, their kindred at the federal level are willing to accommodate them. Barack Obama's 2009 "Stimulus" spending measure, in which the federal government squandered $850 billion, was ostensibly intended to jump start the U.S. economy. In reality, its purpose was to maintain the bloat and largesse at every level of government), and as such was merely an enormously expanded version of the California scam.

Even the unfathomable $5 billion demanded by Lockyer, and the manner in which it will be criminally wasted, represent only a microcosm of the colossal fiscal problems coming home to roost across the nation. The strings of zeroes are becoming hard to manage, yet every dollar wrongfully spent by any government official represents the industry and diligence of some citizen, which was forcibly confiscated in the form of taxes, and is now being fumbled and shelled-out with an indescribable degree of callousness and incompetence.

The astronomical sum "borrowed" by the state of California is itself less than one three hundredth of the federal deficit for 2011 alone. And even that sum pales in comparison to the increase in the national "Debt Ceiling" demanded by Obama and his Democrat accomplices on Capitol Hill. In short, an attack has been made on not only the national treasury, but ultimately on the pocketbooks and paychecks of every American who goes to work and strives to play by the rules. In the name of leftist "social justice" (the euphemism for unending welfare) the property and resources of the productive citizenry is being stolen and redistributed just as fast as Washington can do it.

Yet even this monstrous waste is not enough to satisfy those ravenous bureaucrats who will not be content until future generations are as thoroughly bankrupted as the current one. Long range debt spending, once a desperate emergency measure employed only as a last resort in times of national crisis such as war, is now the standard means by which taxes are levied on those who, having not yet been born, can in no way defend themselves against the theft. In this manner, the profanity of "taxation without representation" has been expanded in its most sinister dimension.

Meanwhile, rather than dealing honestly with the issue in order to avoid the catastrophe that will at some point become inevitable, entrenched Democrats play blame games with the Republicans, offering only empty promises of cost cutting at some fictitious future date. But only if the binge spending that generated the current crisis can continue unabated.

As the political jockeying presses on, it is becoming increasingly obvious that those on the left are neither concerned with an eventual default nor sincere in their professions of wanting an end to the crisis "for the sake of the nation." First and foremost, they know the benefit to their political fortunes of a Republican surrender, so with each putrid ensuing "deal" they propose, it becomes more evident that they hope to create a breach between the GOP and the grassroots who brought about the 2010 landslide elections. Only as an afterthought are Democrats attempting to keep the flow of tax dollars going out to the special interests that ultimately enable them.

Much to the dismay of the Democrat political cabal, the people of the Heartland are awakening to the fraud being perpetrated in their name, and the grave consequences of its continuation. Despite a media/Democrat misinformation campaign so vast and permeating it could rival anything from Joseph Goebbels, real America is far from convinced that it needs to continue this downward spiral into ever worsening debt so that, according to Obama, we can "keep our word and meet our obligations."

The American people have witnessed this ongoing theft for too long, and have had enough. No facades or empty promises will suffice, nor will any short term spending sprees, presumably offset by vacuous "assurances" of long term spending reductions. International news is rife with disturbing scenes such as those in Greece and Spain, where the inability of socialist states to perpetuate the proverbial "free lunch" has resulted in bloodshed in the streets. The people of Real America are not about to sit idly by while such things happen in their midst.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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