Chris Adamo
Reality clashes with Obama's promised utopia
By Chris Adamo
April 21, 2011

In virtually every situation where the U.S. government should be working on behalf of the country, as well as many that it should leave alone, it is consistently inflicting grave damage. It is virtually impossible to deny the preponderance of concurring evidence. But are Americans ready to face the utter fiasco of the "hope and change" instituted during the Obama Administration's first two years, or will they accept more of the liberal disease as the purported cure for its symptoms? Whether on the domestic or foreign front, those circumstances in which this overreaching regime has inserted itself are daily yielding catastrophe.

In an unfolding financial disaster that was wholly predictable by any who understand basic economics, gasoline prices are skyrocketing which means that Americans will have less disposable income with which to spur real growth. Thus the much trumpeted but very anemic "recovery" will quickly evaporate into thin air. No doubt those "evil oil company executives" will receive the blame, and liberal politicians will make a good deal of political hay by attacking them, but aside from liberals boosting their own fortunes among the perennially gullible, this ruse will not enhance the nation's fuel supply by a single drop.

Nor can the "mainstream" media be expected to demand accountability by tying yesterday's actions with today's consequences. Three years ago, during the last spike in petroleum prices, America was told by the liberal elite that new oil exploration and drilling was not the answer, since it would take at least a couple of years for those finds to begin to produce results. This means, of course, that a prompt and concerted effort to open up those oil operations, had the venture not been thwarted by the Democrats, would have begun bolstering America's oil supply some time last summer.

Just as significantly, the seeming reprieve from the 2008 summer surge in gas prices was itself a result of a flagging economy. Massive layoffs and a slowdown in fiscal activity diminished the public's ability to fill its tanks, which in turn lowered the demand (and consequently, the cost) of oil in its every form. But starving the nation's economic engine is hardly a worthwhile means by which it should confront a fuel shortage. And now, irrespective of any tangible rebound from the recession (those glowing statistics touted on the nightly news notwithstanding), petroleum supplies are dwindling sufficiently to trigger drastic price increases.

Yet Obama, and the liberal cabal he leads, insist that a "green energy" paradise awaits us just around the corner, if only Americans can be taxed and regulated enough to force it past the agony of its birth pangs. So rather than endeavoring to maximize the access of American oil producers to their own country's resources, such workable solutions are systematically being put off limits, while the same Administration allots taxpayer dollars, numbering in the billions, to Brazil and Columbia for the development of their oil reserves. American oil workers are systematically being starved, while American consumers get scalped at the pump, but the liberal devotion to "mother earth" somehow remains pure.

Lest we forget, the sum total of the Obama original "energy plan," aside from the looming threat of higher taxes, was an admonition to keep the tire pressures correct in America's cars while throwing tax dollars at windmills, solar panels, and light rail projects. Of course, in the arena where things really matter, meaning the 2012 presidential campaign, the typical liberal spin can be expected at some critical juncture prior to Election Day. Gas prices may have risen enormously higher by then, but we can expect a minuscule and contrived drop to ensue at just the right strategic moment, thereafter to be portrayed as a "downward trend," with all accolades and credit being attributed to the beneficent Obama.

Nor is the nation's energy crisis the only area in which the inanities of the political left have taken their toll. On every front, from foreign relations to the nation's dire economic straits, the federal response has been hard-line liberal since January of 2009. And with each passing day the resultant wreckage and rubble from their blind ideology mounts.

Sadly, entrenched Republicans are invariably unwilling to go "toe to toe" against the liberal political machine. And this is particularly unfortunate because their naive determination to remaining fixed on "the issues," with no effort to directly confront the fraudulent and duplicitous nature of the individuals on the left, leaves them at a total disadvantage when seeking to contrast themselves against the ostensible bliss of a liberal/socialist America.

What can one offer, in response to so ludicrous a claim as Obama's "lower the sea level" diatribe, other than to remain steadfastly fixed on the deception and emptiness of such a notion? Yet never being held to account, the vacant rhetoric continues. In every other area of his "agenda," Obama and his political collaborators shower America with no less ridiculous and empty assurances, invariably buttressed by threats and warnings of the harsh brutality of life in these United States and how it will devolve under the headship of those cold-hearted Republicans.

As the federal budgetary implosion progresses on its downward spiral, only slightly behind the orchestrated demise of the private sector, the poisoned belief system of the left, and the disastrous consequences it portends for the nation, are on full display. For those who mindlessly clung to their beliefs that liberal Democrats still have, as their end goal, the ultimate good of this country, Obama's speech of April 13 should have been sufficient to put such expectations to rest.

At a time when the nation teeters on the precipice of disaster, and truly competent leadership is absolutely necessary to avoid such a fate, Barack Obama has sunk to the lowest levels of partisanship and dishonesty. Rather than conceding the irresponsibility and short-sightedness of a government that refuses to manage its spending excesses, he sought to manipulate the voting public by offering the standard plethora of tragedy and disaster that he assures us will befall those "little people" at the hands of the cruel and unfeeling Republicans.

After the budgetary disasters and exploding deficits that have only burgeoned since the Democrats took control of the Congress in 2007, we are once again told that the "fix" is to elect more of the people who spawned the problem. When the charades and tap-dances are done, this is all America can expect as long as such people retain their hold on power.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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