Chris Adamo
Effectively fortifying America in dangerous times
By Chris Adamo
February 10, 2011

As Egypt continues in turmoil, western liberals remain committed to wallowing in their blind myopia, oblivious to the warnings that cry out to them from the pages of history. Incredibly, they believe that by some strange means, the aftermath of an Egyptian coup in which President Hosni Mubarak is removed from office will spontaneously generate "democracy," and an outbreak of peace and freedom. The Iranian revolution of 1979, and all of the bloodshed and mayhem it spawned throughout the Middle East in the decades since, was perhaps the most extreme example, but it certainly was neither the first nor only such event.

The Iranian catastrophe was avoidable, and the terrible consequences that ensued were predictable. A proper U.S. response from a wise and courageous U.S. President could have averted the ascension of the Islamic fundamentalists in that nation and the ensuing spread of their virulent ideologies throughout the region. Instead, we had Jimmy Carter.

Now the Iranian people truly suffer under the oppression of tyrants who subdue them with flagrant and pious brutality. The common citizen is wholly unable to publicly voice the slightest complaint without fear of violent retribution. Protests against the brazen election rigging by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2009 have been forcefully put down, and those convicted of opposition to him were subsequently jailed and executed.

With each passing day, the likelihood of modern Iran achieving the capability of projecting its festering malevolence with nuclear weaponry increases. And for the foreseeable future, it will remain irretrievably in the clutches of fanatical Islamic despots. In contrast, the former muscle and influence of Western civilization, which once might have stood as an impassable bulwark against every malignant facet of militant Islam, founders and wanes.

In most respects, Islam has not changed significantly since its inception fourteen centuries ago. What has emboldened and energized it of late is not some new spiritual empowerment from within its realm, but the dissolution of the former cultural and spiritual strength among its opponents. Initially advancing militarily with great success in pre-renaissance Europe, it was ultimately rebuffed by a civilization that remained fixed on its own religious principles and cultural norms, and was unwilling to submit to an incompatible set of standards being pressed upon it from the Muslim world.

During the latter years of the twentieth century however, that tide shifted. But the change did not result from a great advancement in the nature of Islam. Rather, western culture crumbled and imploded of its own accord, having adopted the moral bankruptcy of Marx and the empty promises of socialism. Islamic opportunists are merely moving in to fill the void. The moral confusion of a western culture, steeped in self-destructive thinking proliferated by political leftists in the schools, media, and pop culture, is so secularized and devoid of any guiding principle that it cannot see clear to make a philosophical stand against the encroachment of Islam on any grounds whatsoever.

In a disturbing parallel, the total confusion among Americans attempting to assess the underlying causes and effects in Egypt, and the inability of policy makers to address the situation from a standpoint of America's own interests, stand as proof of how thoroughly the worthiness of this nation's moral and philosophical foundations have been obliterated in the minds of its own citizens. In such a situation, it is entirely predictable that the forces of radical Islam will recognize and seize the opportunity to advance themselves, both in the Arab world, and within the borders of the United States.

More evidence of this sad fact can be gleaned from events currently unfolding in the U.S. House of Representatives. Congressman Peter King (R.-NY), the new chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, is facing open hostility to his planned hearings on what he rightly termed the "growing threat of radical Islam." In light of 9-11, as well as the countless other terrorist episodes before and since that were clearly perpetrated by militant Muslims abetted by large and influential political cabals from the Middle East, an investigation with the scope and purpose of that proposed by King ought to seem entirely reasonable.

Yet he faces a barrage of opposition from such organizations as "CAIR" (the Council on Islamic American Relations), a pro-Islamist front group with ties to international terrorists, along with dozens of other similar coalitions. More significant and alarming is the collaboration of such liberal special interests as Amnesty International and the "Interfaith Alliance," which willingly assist by providing a facade of legitimacy to the subversive efforts of CAIR.

Among their stated goals is to force King to "broaden the scope" of his investigations to include domestic white supremacists and even radical environmentalists. While appearing to be inclusive of sinister forces from across the political spectrum, this effort is wholly and singularly intended to dilute and distract King's proper focus on the threats posed by the Islamists, thus rendering his investigation ineffective and leaving the nation more vulnerable to future attacks.

Fortunately, King is standing firm in his decision to remain focused on the threats of radical Islam. His lead is one that the entire nation must commit to following if it is likewise to retain any strength in rebuffing this encroachment. In a blunt statement to Democrat Congressman Bernie Thompson of Missouri, King averred, "I will not allow political correctness to obscure a real and dangerous threat to the safety and security of the citizens of the United States."

That King's worthy effort is derided in some circles as threatening to the standing of Muslims in this country is in no way a discredit to his tactics, but should be interpreted as an indication of the true mindset and allegiances of his critics. More significantly, the participation of non-Muslim special interests who are joining forces against King, in an effort to undermine the effectiveness of his hearings, stands as proof that the attacks on our nation, and the ideals it represents, comes first from subversive forces within our own borders, which themselves must be defeated if we are ever to withstand the attacks from without.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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