Chris Adamo
Preparing for Democrats' 2010 general election antics
By Chris Adamo
August 19, 2010

Ever since the advent of the Obama Administration, and its systematic corruption and destruction of the nation's constitutional framework, Americans have fervently anticipated their opportunity to atone for their past sins by way of the 2010 mid-term elections. That season is now upon us. As primary election races are concluded across the nation, and candidates head into the general election cycle, a drastic sea change can be expected in the conduct of political contests, as well as their coverage by the media.

For starters, calling Barack Obama "radioactive" might be a bit slanderous of those who construct dirty bombs. Seizing any opportunity to degrade and impugn America and its allies, while groveling and bowing to almost every tinhorn dictator he meets, Obama has thoroughly alienated all but the most ardent anti-American leftists. Those who have any belief in this country's noble history, and hold out any hope for its future, must by now realize that Obama's ultimate goal is to erode and undermine the nation, both internally and in its standing among the rest of the world.

While his plan has taken a huge toll on his former popularity among other heads of state, he has fared far worse among the American public. Twenty straight months of federal power grabs and congressional spending that dwarfs former deficits, underscored by an official contempt and disdain towards any who would demand accountability and responsibility, have left the American people convinced that their government in Washington has mutated into a horrific monster, the actions of which must be arrested immediately if the nation is to have even the smallest hope for its survival.

It is therefore to be fully expected that Democrat candidates will consistently sidestep any real discussion of the issues of concern to America. No politically savvy Democrat will want to recall all of those virtues of Obamacare that were trumpeted so relentlessly last spring. The bill is passed, and if everything goes according to (Democrat) plan, its innumerable edicts will be slyly and stealthily implemented over the upcoming years while an unwary public loses interest to a sufficient extent that nobody notices how drastically their once unrivaled quality of medical care has been perverted and degraded.

The last thing Democrats want to do during this election cycle is debate the supposed merits of socialism, weighed against its all-too-real historical pitfalls. While every socialist scheme throughout the world has been instituted on a foundation of lavish and utopian promises, the ugliness of its reality is never slow in manifesting itself. Promises of economic equality and "social justice" quickly devolve into near-universal poverty. Likewise, assurances of collective paradise undergirded with "free" and comprehensive healthcare just as quickly devolve into a nightmare of bureaucratic entanglements, out-of-control taxation, and drastic rationing measures which deprive citizens of basic medical needs in a futile effort to maintain "universal access" while struggling to rein in burgeoning costs.

Nor will Democrats be any more willing to confront the nation's dire economic straits, despite the increasingly hollow and defensive claims that everything is "Bush's fault." Having enjoined the economic turmoil in 2008, they only exacerbated its downfall with massive government spending which, aside from padding the pockets of bloated bureaucracies at the national, state, and local levels, has done nothing to improve output or prosperity among average citizens.

On the cultural front, things may be even worse for the Democrats, if that is possible. The recent abomination of Barack Obama endorsing the construction of a Mosque at Ground Zero has not only outraged Americans on its own merits, it has also reminded them of the many occasions in which he clearly showed deference to anti-American and anti-Western cultures and philosophies, while demeaning the greatness of traditional America.

On this basis he castigates Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for erecting mere dwellings in Jerusalem, since doing so might "offend" those who hate Israel and the Jewish people. He countermands protocol towards America's long standing allies by dispensing with any signs of respect towards their leaders, while bowing and toadying before despotic rulers who clearly harbor antipathy towards this nation.

So, with no real standing on the economy, international relations, or homeland security (all of which are inextricably linked), Democrats have no good options for a proactive political plan going into the November elections. They cannot run on either their past record or their real agenda if they are to have any hopes of avoiding the electoral drubbing that now seems inevitable.

Therefore, their very predictable strategy will be to avoid current policy and substantive issues at all costs, while attempting to incite and concoct "scandal," based on any slight infraction by a Republican candidate, or to fabricate one from thin air if necessary, and center the entire remainder of the campaign on nothing more than that. Remember the "Macaca" hysterics that were used to torpedo the candidacy of George Allen, the Republican Senatorial hopeful from Virginia? Or the indictment of then House Majority Whip Tom Delay (R.-TX), which evaporated into thin air once he was drubbed out of office, and on which Nancy Pelosi (D.-CA) based her infamous "Republican culture of corruption" accusation?

Neither of these episodes held any merit, yet both were relentlessly invoked to discredit the GOP, ultimately empowering Pelosi to take over as the ultra-liberal Speaker of the House, along with Harry Reid (D.-NV) as Senate Majority Leader. In the absence of a liberal platform which they might be willing to openly and honestly discuss (doing so would deal a fatal blow to it), they can be expected to create, and then frantically focus on all sorts of Republican bogeymen and hobgoblins to once again frighten voters into their corner.

But it is going to be far more difficult this time around. In contrast to small-scale personal scandals among the Republicans, Democrats are entangled in corruption on an institutional scale. Even the flagrant graft by Representatives Maxine Waters (D.-CA) and Charlie Rangel (D.-NY) pale in comparison to the squandered billions of taxpayer dollars and total lack of accountability of the current Democrat controlled Congress, as well as their ravaging of the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law, on which no price tag could be applied.

In this volatile political environment, a concerted Republican effort to remain focused on the issues may well deal the much needed death blow to Democrat hopes of remaking America in their twisted image. We can only hope.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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