Chris Adamo
William Ayers' Wyoming debacle highlights leftist weaknesses
By Chris Adamo
April 15, 2010

It is axiomatic that the biggest bullies quickly change into the biggest whiners the moment they lose their advantage. An episode last week in Wyoming, involving Obama crony and self-proclaimed "domestic terrorist" William Ayers unequivocally proves this point.

It seems that last fall, the University of Wyoming "Social Justice Research Center" (an entity whose name and purpose should already have raised concerns) invited Ayers to give a "public lecture" on April 5. Yet when news of the impending event spread throughout Wyoming, outrage among the citizens was so severe that on March 31, Francisco Rios, head of the "Social Justice Research Center" announced that the Ayers appearance was being cancelled. From every perspective, this incident yields great insights as to how the left proliferates its poison in our society and, far more importantly, how to best confront and defeat it.

For starters, consider the nature of the "Social Justice Research Center" along with the empty excuses and justifications for this sorry incident offered by its spokespeople. Does anyone doubt that the purpose of the "Social Justice Research Center" is to advance collectivist ideas that run completely counter to the traditional fabric of America? In contrast, try to imagine how every liberal with a microphone would howl, had the University of Wyoming ever attempted instead to establish an institution to research the Judeo-Christian principles of the nation's founding.

Are we to believe that the reason for Ayers' address to Wyoming educators might have been to advocate the teaching of phonics, along with basic math and writing skills? The title of his planned speech "Trudging Toward Freedom: Moral Commitment and Ethical Action" reveals everything necessary to assess his (and his sponsors') agenda. Understanding the concepts of "freedom," "morality," and "ethics" from the perverse perspective of the Flower child, Woodstock, and LSD generation, it is only too predictable how he would seek to inspire educators to pursue this end.

Right about now, the people of Wyoming ought to be asking everyone in authority just what is the actual purpose of its University. Are such spurious teachings really what the exorbitant expenditures in every year's University budget were intended to bring to us? Certainly, those being educated there would be far better served, were they inspired to recognize and utilize the freedoms they already have, in order to live productive and responsible lives. And just as certainly, the state and the nation would benefit from a generation of graduates so motivated to thrive as citizens.

Rios and others have attempted to justify the Ayers visit on the basis that it was privately funded by "an anonymous donor" who has endowed the center with a million dollars. Of course this "disclaimer" ought to raise its own host of red flags. Would the University of Wyoming staff likewise agree to the presence of Al Qaeda representatives showing up on campus to recruit a new spate of suicide bombers, as long as funding for the effort was provided by "an anonymous donor"?

Elsewhere, Ayers has been defended as "a distinguished education professor at the University of Chicago." Perhaps among the people of Illinois, weighty sounding titles are sufficient to erase the deeds of the past. And admittedly, from its thoroughly corrupt political system to the abhorrent condition of its urban streets and general degradation of the masses living there, far too many holders of Illinois public office abide by a fuzzy and skewed set of "values" that are hardly incompatible with the thinking of William Ayers. But in Wyoming, as well as the overwhelming bulk of Heartland America, things are far different.

Ayers, as a domestic terrorist who has not only refused to forswear his past activity, but still asserts that he and his ilk "didn't do enough" to inflict sufficient mayhem and havoc on the nation to achieve their ends, is unrepentant and should rightly have been put behind bars in perpetuity. That he walks the streets freely today is evidence of an intermittently weak and inept criminal justice system. That he is anywhere held in esteem, including by his friend and spiritual kindred Barack Obama, is evidence of a far more insidious and pernicious malady in the modern American culture.

Feigning hurt and outrage, William Ayers, who bombed the Pentagon while gloating that "The [expletive] were finally going to get what was coming to them," now snivels over the ostensible incivility of his detractors in the Cowboy State. In a breathtaking display of hypocrisy, Ayers lamented that his impending visit had spawned "hateful messages and death threats," as if his detractors might sink to the level on which he has seen fit to operate. He further offered phony laments that the cancellation of his speaking event undermined the "precious ideal of a free university in a free society." This from someone who gloried in the possibility of denying life and limb to those Americans he considered his political adversaries.

Fellow bastions of phony liberal sanctimony, such as Francisco Rios, predictably played the sympathy card, claiming to be "shaken by the e-mails" voicing an intense revulsion to Ayers. Was Rios never "shaken" by association with a man who had not merely expressed disagreement to differing ideologies, but employed violent and potentially deadly means of suppressing his fellow citizens in the process?

From the malicious cowardice of his terrorist acts to the ludicrous piety of his present attempts to claim victimhood, William Ayers embodies both the sinister effectiveness and the vulnerabilities of the Alinsky radicals. Yet whether in the halls of academia or the halls of Congress, "We the People" possess the numbers and power of worthy ideas necessary to drive back this onslaught. And it has become grimly obvious that such is the nature of the conflict in which we currently find ourselves.

Ultimately, the dangers posed by the American left are only as potent as the mainstream of society allows them to be. Resolute and principled opposition, as was exhibited by the people of Wyoming, invariably shatters liberal arguments and puts its members to flight.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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