Chris Adamo
Democrats' desperate plan to reclaim high ground
By Chris Adamo
April 1, 2010

Once again the American left is exhibiting its total detachment from reality. In the aftermath of the thoroughly corrupt political circus that was the "healthcare" vote, Democrat leaders and their media minions now seek to contrive a world in which the people of the nation are grateful for medical socialism and increasingly willing to embrace it.

Certain public opinion polls predictably exhibited a sudden increase in Barack Obama's popularity, as viewing audiences are treated to incessant stories of average Americans panting with anticipation over the impending utopia of free and unrestricted nationalized "healthcare." Everyone, we are told, is seeing the light and getting on board, with the exception of those nasty right wing extremists at their venom-filled "Tea Parties."

In truth, the left is engaged in a major propaganda blitz, the purpose of which is twofold. First, those who spearheaded the effort to institute medical socialism, from Barack Obama down to Representative Bart Stupak (D.-MI) and his fellow congressional Democrat lapdogs, are fearful of the degree of voter backlash they might face as a result of their reprehensible actions.

Secondly, and much more significantly, recognizing their precarious position, they have embarked on a brazen strategy of vilifying their opposition in hopes that sympathy and public opinion might once again shift in their direction. So, in what was blatantly obvious as a pre-planned effort, immediately on the heels of the "passage" of Obamacare, Democrats began leveling wild accusations of "violence" and "hate speech" against the Republicans.

These people operate best from a perch of sanctimony. So, just as they proved they would resort to any lie and any political maneuver in order to ramrod Obamacare past the legislative process, they will now make any outlandish claim against their opposition necessary to bolster their contention that they are merely devoted public servants facing vicious and unwarranted attacks from the right.

Thus can be explained the relentless repetitions of claims by Representatives Jesse Jackson Jr. (D.-IL) and James Clyburn (D.-SC), that they were harassed and subjected to racial slurs when passing through a group of protestors. Surely America cannot be worried about losing its freedoms to the ravenous and out-of-control federal government. Instead, a band of white racists is using the advent of sweeping legislation as an excuse to act on its latent bigotry.

If any word or phrase from the opposition can be misconstrued or contorted into an allusion of racial prejudice, a threat of violence, or some example of "politically incorrect thought, " the Democrats and the liberal media will pounce on the opportunity and exploit it shamelessly as incontrovertible proof of a looming danger from the American right. In just this manner Sarah Palin's metaphor of "Don't retreat. Instead reload." was hysterically portrayed on the nightly news as a call to militant action against the government.

The liberal/Democrat strategy is in full swing. But at the present moment, the propagandists are missing one crucial element needed for their ploy to work. Some spineless Republican needs only to get panicked over the possibility of guilt by association with right-wing "extremists." At that point, such an individual can be typically counted on to denounce his fellow Republicans and the entire grassroots effort to retrieve the country from the clutches of the Obama/Reid/Pelosi cabal.

Obama's intention is to facilitate a major rift between real conservatives and "moderates" in the GOP, exploiting even the slightest indication of conciliation (read: capitulation) towards his medical socialism, which sadly has been the usual response of GOP "centrists" to accusations of "rancor" and "dirty politics" leveled against the right.

Time and again, Democrats have seen that if they are successful at portraying themselves as "victims," they win. It is therefore widely believed that such a display of "bipartisan" support for Obama and his agenda would completely dispirit heartland America, after which the blitzkrieg from the left could press forward with little or no opposition.

More significantly, if the Republican Party is forced into a defensive stance over charges of racism, it will have a far more difficult time opposing amnesty for illegal aliens, an issue that is custom made for shameless race-baiting, and which is likely the next phase of Obama's deconstruction of the nation. Clearly, great liberal hopes are vested in his diabolical strategy. So far however, the ruse has simply not taken hold as planned.

After what the Democrats have done to debase the lives, fortunes, and sacred honor of this once great land, Americans have little sympathy for all of the whining. Any invective (even if some of the wildly exaggerated accusations prove to contain a granule of truth) directed at members of Congress or the Administration pales in comparison to the true damage being inflicted on the fabric of the country.

Career politicians rarely regard their work in terms of its real effects on the nation. Rather, they become so caught up in the day-to-day political ebb and flow that each battle is treated as an isolated issue, with winning or losing of primary importance. What Democrats do not understand, and Republicans had better remember, is that out in real America, the wounds of past abominations to the nation and its Constitution are still raw, and will remain so for some time to come. Each new outrage from inside the Beltway recalls and rekindles anger over all previous outrages.

From the scandals and corruption in the House and Senate, to the atrocious spending excesses and government takeover of private industry, to the humiliating obsequiousness displayed before hostile foreign governments, Americans have not forgotten, and they will not forget, how they have been betrayed by the present power in Washington. They reject liberal efforts to change the subject or concoct ludicrous scenarios of moral equivalence between the ruin of the nation and unsubstantiated claims of bad manners from the right.

This is not the time for being on the defensive, offering apologies, or pursuing vain efforts to "find common ground," since doing so would only serve to validate the atrocity that was committed in Congress on March 20. This is the time for Americans, who love their country as it once manifested its greatness and exceptionalism before a skeptical world, to brave the inevitable firestorm of liberal attacks, continue the fight, and vow to prevail.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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