Chris Adamo
Are McCain Republicans finally "seeing the light"?
By Chris Adamo
March 25, 2010

On the day following the abominable March 21 congressional vote to subvert the Constitution and subjugate the American people under the dubious auspices of Obamacare, Senator John McCain (R.-AZ) voiced his displeasure with Democrat jubilation over their victory. Apparently, on this occasion, McCain did not appreciate all of the gloating and self-aggrandizement from the left.

Similarly, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina has, to the surprise of some, dispensed a few tepid expressions of skepticism over the impending issue of amnesty for the twelve to twenty illegal aliens presently in this country. This, of course, constitutes a stark change from his former willingness to completely compromise the integrity of the American nation and its borders with his rabid pro-amnesty ideology.

Just what is going on here? As the dark pall of Obamacare descends across America, those with a vested interest in the well being of their nation are increasingly outraged at how thoroughly its founding principles and character have been compromised. Despite profuse media coverage extolling the event, and nightly news coverage that invariably attempts to put a bright face on the looming prospect of a thoroughly socialized America, these blissful stories and prognostications of the nation's utopian future ring increasingly hollow. The citizenry is simply not buying any of it.

If all of this was as universally good for the nation as we are being told, why was its implementation so fraught with lies from Barack Obama, along with rampant political corruption and blatant subterfuge by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-CA) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-NV)? In the Gospel of Matthew, the Savior warned us in stark and undeniable terms that "a bad tree cannot bear good fruit." And by any objective standard, that which was perpetrated in the Congress over the past several months, culminating in Sunday's vote, is clearly rotten to the core.

As a result, Heartland America is roused, angry, and motivated as it has rarely been throughout the nation's history, promising a decisive backlash against certain members of the "ruling class." And despite the predictable and transparent attempts at repackaging the Obamacare/socialist onslaught, including a major damage control and propaganda blitz by Obama himself, the grassroots is not going to be lulled into acquiescence or acceptance.

Yet it would be shortsighted to assume that only the Democrats are taking notice of the current public mood and seeking to play to it. Obamacare is sadly a logical next step to the "Medicare Part D" prescription drug public option advanced and signed into law by the Administration of George W. Bush. Conservatives across the nation are painfully aware that they owe much of their current problems to the despicable actions of turncoat Republican "moderates" no less than the Democrats. Thus the backlash from main street will by no means be confined by party boundaries.

So, in a year that portends drastic revamping of both houses of Congress, past Republican enablers of liberal attacks on the Constitution are as nervous as the Democrats. McCain and Graham are hardly alone, although they are chief among such people.

John McCain in particular has real reasons to fear for his political future. After running an insipid presidential campaign in which he rarely contrasted himself against arch-liberal Barack Obama, and offering as his credentials the many abominable instances of past collusion with the Democrats at critical moments, which all too often completely undermined conservatives, McCain now finds himself in a race against a real conservative and Constitutionist in Arizona.

Former Congressman J.D. Hayworth has decided to confront the GOP political establishment in order to give Arizona a real conservative voice in the United States Senate. If the contest boils down to who really stands for the ideals that define traditional America, as opposed to rampant cronyism among a governing elite inside the Beltway, Hayworth wins hands down. So McCain's only option is to attempt to portray himself as the "conservative" he has never been.

Some Republicans, such as Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachman, can credibly make such a case for themselves. Advancing the premise that "We don't have to accept this," she is rallying opponents of Obama's medical socialism to fight against it until it is overturned. Similarly, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is decrying the concept in unapologetic terms. Elsewhere throughout the nation, stalwart conservatives are preparing to dig in and make a stand against Obamacare, either through lawsuits against the Federal government or by state legislation nullifying it within their borders.

But in the current political climate, those of McCain's disposition will find it difficult to convincingly recast themselves as champions of the Constitution, or any grand precept of the American ideal. This electorate is not only motivated and inspired to fight for the very future of the country, it is also informed on the issues and able to discern between its real allies and those imposters who would say whatever it takes to get reelected. Most importantly, it is determined to disseminate this information among its peers.

On March 22, the corrupt and shady organization "Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now" (ACORN) announced that it was disbanding, ostensibly as a result of the innumerable scandals in which it has been embroiled. One might think that the end of an influential organization involving millions of people and billions of dollars would make headline news across the nation. Yet the move was given scant attention by either the press or the public. In truth, everybody knows that this criminal cabal is not going away, but is merely masking itself in hopes of seeming more palatable to an unsuspecting public.

If America is to have any hope of restoration, mere changes of "window dressing" either by Marxist-leftist crime rings like ACORN or those hapless "centrists" in the GOP who unwittingly allow such malignancies to survive and flourish, will not be sufficient to do the job. A real ideological renovation of the Republican Party, achieved by flushing out its covert liberals, is the only effective first step in the right direction.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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