Chris Adamo
Wake up America! Democrats hate "democracy"
By Chris Adamo
March 11, 2010

Among the many absurdities proffered by Barack Obama sycophants in the media and throughout the liberal establishment is the notion that Obama possesses great leadership qualities. Throughout his public life he has consistently proven himself to be the antithesis of leadership. And ever since the "healthcare" debate reached its present impasse, he has resorted to the manner of pettiness and bullying that would embarrass any truly great leader of the people.

Consider the contrasts between Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan. Though Reagan advanced ideas that were initially met with skepticism by the public, his sincerity and ability to relate to the people eventually won them over. Of course none of his success could have been possible, had any issue in question been a truly bad idea. It was not merely Reagan's power of persuasion (as grudgingly credited to him by the left), but rather the power of his ideas that prevailed.

Obama, on the other hand, has never had either a worthy agenda or a good presentation. His skill at reading from a teleprompter, while vastly overrated by the obsequious press, long ago became obvious in its reality, and quickly lost any luster with the American people. Likewise, the utopian "hope and change" claptrap on which he rode to victory in 2008 daily portends to be the doom of the nation if even a single putrid vestige of it prevails. After only fifteen months of the Obama Administration, any overrated bloom has vanished from this contrived "rose."

Yet while his public approval poll numbers have plummeted, they remain significantly higher than those of the Congress, the image of which has been defined over the past two years by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-NV) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-CA). Overwhelmingly, the American public regards them with suspicion and contempt, and for good reason.

Like Obama, Reid and Pelosi ascribe to a set of core principles that are wholly at odds with the historical greatness of America. Their agenda is perceived by the majority of the nation as a real danger to its prospects for a healthy and thriving future. Averting this looming danger, and restoring the precepts of American greatness, are at the heart of the "Tea Party" phenomenon that sprang up, essentially as a spontaneous and truly "grassroots" movement from coast to coast last year.

Far from recognizing the enormous power or worthiness of this vast resurgence of the American Heartland, the Pelosi/Reid/Obama triumvirate daily wages war against it. The effort has been underway since the Democrat congressional takeover of 2006, and gained significant impetus upon the election of Barack Obama two years later. But this liberal onslaught was soundly rebuffed by massive resistance from real America, culminating in the election of Republican Senator Scott Brown to fill the seat of the late Ted Kennedy (D.-MA).

Rather than recognizing the sincere and legitimate sentiment of "We the People" against this fundamental threat to the nation they have known and love, the Democrat leadership has since gone into overdrive once it recovered from the initial shock of Brown's election. It now overtly vows to circumvent any and every effort of the people to keep a hold of their America.

The entire abominable political shell game of imposing Obamacare by "budget reconciliation," an inarguable attempt to use the unleashed and extra-constitutional power of the government to seize even more of the rights and freedoms of the people, reveals how little regard the "leaders" in Washington have for the citizenry. Moreover, the expressed willingness of Nancy Pelosi to force the compliance of recalcitrant congressional Democrats who seek to listen to their constituents, clearly defines their ultimate duty and purpose, in her mind, not as "Representatives" of the people, but as foot soldiers of the liberal revolution.

This past Sunday, the citizens of Iraq defied threats from insurgent Muslim terrorists (the middle eastern version of "community organizers") in order to vote in their national elections. Several dozen lost their lives in bomb attacks at polling places. Yet the people showed up in record numbers, grimly determined to maintain a tenuous but precious hold on their ability to determine their nation's future.

Throughout the years since America invaded Iraq, Obama and those in his camp have derided the effort to bring freedom to the beleaguered people of that nation. And when, in nearby Iran, some brave citizens put forth a similar cry for freedom and demands for justice in their flagrantly compromised elections, Obama sided with the corrupt regime of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad which had clearly tampered with the process to maintain its hold on power. Thus he helped quench the smoldering fires of liberty and justice by abetting the iron fist of Iranian tyranny. So while Barack Obama offered some tepid platitudes to the cameras last Sunday in support of the Iraqi patriots, his past record reveals sympathies that are starkly different.

Nevertheless, if the Iraqi people, who have only recently tasted freedom, can arise and amass to preserve and maintain it, so can the historically free people of the United States of America. Hardly facing the mortal danger that manifested itself on the streets of Baghdad, American voters have endured an ominous parallel, which only varied in degree, as they were rebuffed from the polling places by "Black Panthers" and other militant leftists in Philadelphia, Oklahoma, and elsewhere throughout the nation.

Ultimately, the Democrat efforts to forcibly coerce the American people into compliance with the liberal agenda or reprogram their thinking will be no more successful than the malignant threats of Islamist reprisals against a freedom-loving Iraqi people. Americans will speak out. They will exchange ideas, and evaluate the propaganda daily being fed to them from the leftists inside the Beltway. Then they will set to developing an effective counter strategy. And, this November they will resolutely confront the leftist threats against them and show up in droves at the polling places to vote.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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