Chris Adamo
Pelosi backwards on "Tea Parties" and GOP
By Chris Adamo
March 4, 2010

Democrats continue to bounce between occasional brief attempts at pandering to grassroots America, and their more innate reversion to unrestrained contempt for the beliefs and sentiments of the heartland. In the process, they reveal a willingness to resort to any concocted lie in hopes of fooling enough of the people, enough of the time, to advance their insidious agenda.

In a February 28 interview on ABC, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-CA) engaged in the sort of doublespeak that has earned her the anger and nearly universal distrust of the American people. It hardly seems believable that, only a mere three years ago, Pelosi was a virtual unknown among common citizens. Yet since her ascendancy to the speakership of the House of Representatives in 2007 Pelosi's name, like that of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-NV) and Barack Obama, has become synonymous with the dangerous radicalism of the American left.

At times all three have attempted to hide their anti-American agenda behind a pathetic veneer of "centrism." And on every occasion that they revert to such behavior, they reveal a disingenuousness so extreme, and so rife with contempt for the intelligence of their target constituency, that they become an embarrassment to all but their most blindly devoted minions.

Pelosi's appearance this past weekend was classic. But despite being a predictable repeat of past appearances as an exhibition of arrogance and deceitfulness, her frequently contradictory remarks need to be deciphered to fully expose the reality of modern liberalism, and the sordid tactics she will use to implement it. Like Barack Obama and Harry Reid, while intermittently presenting seemingly reasonable platitudes, Nancy Pelosi inadvertently paraded the leftist agenda in all of its self-exalting ugliness.

In the latest Democrat attempt to divide and conquer real America, Pelosi advanced the notion that the "Tea Party" movement has been "hijacked" by the Republican Party. Her obvious intent was to create an ideological schism in the conservative movement that has coalesced during the past year, and now arguably threatens to serve a much needed eviction notice to the Democrat dominated political machine currently running Washington.

Yet her claim could not be any more inverted from reality. If anything, it is the "Tea Party" movement that has expanded its influence within the Republican Party, emboldening conservatives from Mainstreet to the Senate floor to stand resolute for the principles on which the party and the nation were founded. And it is undeniable that the effect on the GOP has been overwhelmingly positive.

In stark contrast to the general acquiescence and timidity of a year ago, several bright stars are arising, who may well succeed in reshaping the character of the party. No longer defined by its "moderate" wing, such outspoken conservatives as Representatives Michelle Bachman (R.-MN) and Paul Ryan (R.-WI) are increasingly putting the Democrats to flight with their scathing, bold (and accurate) assessments of the dire repercussions of the Democrat agenda.

Admittedly, some among the Republican "Old Guard," who gave the party such a bad name in recent years, have recognized the magnitude of this groundswell and are now attempting to morph into it just as they would any other political bandwagon. Senator John McCain, whose "centrism" was soundly rejected by America in the 2008 presidential election, clearly sought to establish just such an image at the Obama health-care circus last week.

This was not the "bipartisan" McCain who so frequently infuriated conservative Republicans with his regular betrayals of the party when making deals with the Democrats. But McCain's sudden "awakening" should surprise no one. Back home in Arizona, he faces a primary challenge from former Congressman J.D. Hayworth, a real conservative whose past record clearly aligns with the concerns and sentiments of the "Tea Party" movement.

Yet as undeniable as it is that the upsurge of grassroots conservatism has now gotten McCain's attention, it is glaringly obvious that the Democrats are absolutely terrified of it. Pelosi's "back and forth" during the interview could not be construed in any other manner. In an exemplary instance of the projection that so typifies liberalism, Pelosi perpetrated her own attempt at the very sort of "hijacking" of which she accused the Republicans.

While maintaining in one breath that the "Tea Party" phenomenon is not truly representative of a grassroots movement, and having accepted the despicably derisive characterization of the movement as "tea baggers" (a reference to perverse sexual acts) by fellow Democrat Chuck Schumer of New York, Pelosi then made a lame attempt to build a bridge. Perhaps hoping that the intelligence of "Tea Party" constituency equaled that of her own party's most gullible members, she asserted that the conservative coalition "shares some common ground with Democrats, such as their dislike of the special interests in Washington."

Real America knows how much genuineness and sincerity it can ultimately expect from the Democrats the moment they think they have the upper hand. Once the initial shock of the Scott Brown election in Massachusetts wore off, any vestiges of Democrat penitence over their arrogance and indifference to the nation similarly dissipated. Now they are back to using every foul means at their disposal to inflict socialized medicine on America.

So, while pillaging the national treasury, destroying the free and capitalistic system that once propelled America to the pinnacle of world economies, and daily attacking traditional freedoms with the threat of government intrusion, Pelosi and her cohorts want to cast doubts on the intentions of the Republicans and offer themselves as the better alternative? It promises to be an interesting 2010 election season.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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