Chris Adamo
Is there no stopping this liberal madness?
By Chris Adamo
December 26, 2009

Last week, with comparatively little fanfare, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave away a hundred billion dollars at the bogus "Climate Summit" in Copenhagen. The sum is nearly unfathomable. It is more than four times greater than the total expended during the 1960s to put a man on the moon.

Liberal demagogues get hysterical whenever any corporate CEO gets a million dollar bonus from the company board, though in a free society, such actions are entirely legal. In comparison, the amount of money squandered in Denmark last week totaled one hundred thousand million dollars. Hillary essentially embezzled it, admittedly with the total consent of the Obama White House, from the pockets of every American citizen to whom it rightfully belonged. And this was merely a single payout.

It is unclear whether Obama and Clinton's ultimate purpose, through such despicable actions, is to buy the loyalty of foreign regimes, or to deplete America's financial resources and thus reduce this country down to a size deemed appropriate by America's leftists.

Admittedly, both Obama and Clinton are sufficiently dim-witted and malignant to attempt either. But all past evidence, as well as the immediate and ungrateful reaction from the recipients of this disbursement, proves that only the latter response can be expected. It is outside of any serious consideration in Copenhagen or elsewhere that the enormous sums of money might somehow be devoted to sincere attempts to "fix" those supposedly impending global environmental disasters that are incessantly foretold to us, but bear no scientific evidence of ever ensuing.

From its onset, the "global warming" scam was contrived for purely political reasons. And the vast confiscation of wealth from this nation, along with its transference into the pockets of tinhorn despots around the world, is no less political. But any hopes of diplomatic "successes" to be gleaned from it are quickly proving to be as futile as the prospect of lowering sea levels or reducing the influx of solar energy that hits this planet. Ultimately, the Copenhagen summit was as big of a political catastrophe for the Obama cabal as it is a scientific fraud.

Venezuelan tyrant Hugo Chavez, despite Obama's fawning efforts to cozy up to him in past meetings, reacted with disdain and derision, invoking his juvenile characterizations of American leaders as the "devil," in a repeat of his past references to George Bush in a similar vein. Other third-world leaders were likewise disparaging of all the groveling from this administration, insisting that America and the West need to pay out vastly greater sums to their regressive governments.

Closer to home, a much more significant question remains. Why was this enormously expensive fiasco barely mentioned on the nightly news? Part of the reason so little fuss was made of the despicable event, despite the magnitude of crime against this nation that it represents, is that the quantity involved is dwarfed by all of the other ravages of the national treasury that have occurred in the past several months.

What is a "paltry" one-hundred billion dollars in comparison to the trillions that are being robbed from this and future generations by a government that believes so vehemently in its socialist ideologies that neither the law nor the unbroken track record of past failures in such endeavors pose even the slightest obstacle to their pursuit? Worse still is the certainty that such abominations will continue until either "We the people" figure out how to stop them, or the nation's economy collapses in on itself from their weight.

Under a relentless cavalcade of lies, distortions, and pork-laden bribes to recalcitrant Democrat Senators and Representatives, both houses of the radical-left Congress have now passed their own versions of healthcare "reform." Through this single effort, they promise to commandeer and nationalize more than a sixth of the nation's economy, degenerating what has been the world's best system of medical care to the bureaucratic level of welfare programs and the Internal Revenue Service.

It is crucial to understand that the feat was not accomplished through the constitutional means of a representative republic, but in spite of it, and in total contempt of its principles. The attorney generals of a dozen states are preparing court challenges to this travesty, though it is unlikely that through any judicial finding they might reverse its criminal flaws. Instead, they would likely attempt to hone and adjust it to the general pleasure of successful plaintiffs, which means more pork, distributed in more states. And therein lies the true issue that the American people must address if they are to keep from losing their country.

Federal "pork" is not evil only when it ends up in somebody else's district. Taking the property of one citizen in order to buy the loyalty of another is a moral outrage against all citizens, and the most effective means of ensuring that eventually, the property of all citizens will end up in the coffers of a corrupt government.

The power to control America's "purse strings," if acquired through extra-legal means, must be curtailed and those involved held accountable. Otherwise, an explosive combination of enormous national prosperity and the moral bankruptcy of high office holders who can gain access to it will ensue. It will inevitably lead to rampant institutionalized theft and the financial depredation of common citizens who are the ultimate source the nation's material abundance. The current administration and political majorities in the Congress see this as their birthright and duty.

Sadly, they have achieved their present status often through fraudulent, illegal, and on occasion, even violent means. The enormity of evidence of such activity, both during the 2008 election cycle and since their advent as the governing power, cannot be indefinitely ignored. And with each such crime that is allowed to go unpunished, another lawful and peaceable option for turning the tide on this insanity and restoring the former order is eliminated.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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