Chris Adamo
The desperate Democrat facelift
By Chris Adamo
May 21, 2009

All is not rosy on the political left. Barely four months into the Obama Administration and America's grassroots is thoroughly fired up. Democrat leaders, while largely pretending to ignore the effervescing public sentiments or denying their significance on the nightly news, clearly are becoming nervously aware of the situation. Once again, a major effort is underway to change or camouflage the reality of the liberal agenda, since in its real form it will only outrage and alienate a majority of the population.

It is sad that among the Republican political ranks, so little real opposition has been evident. Grassroots conservatives are waiting to rally around any true resistance to the liberal onslaught that is being relentlessly advanced inside the Beltway. Last fall's eruption of enthusiasm for Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was no mere anomaly, and it remains vibrant to this day, despite media efforts to politically marginalize the conservatism she represents.

On the nightly news, the philosophies of Colin Powell and Arlen Specter are heralded as the salvation of the GOP, despite the fact that both have displayed consistent intentions of undermining and betraying traditional Republican values. Of course the network anchors enthusiastically concur.

Those who want to be forever freed from the annoyance of an effective opposition party will surely resort to such drivel. Sadly however, even some blindly pragmatic "conservatives" are accepting the premise that the party needs to forswear its former principles of limited government and personal responsibility (the inevitable byproduct of true morality), and further embrace the liberalism that thoroughly alienated it to the voters in 2006 and again in 2008.

Nevertheless, a few courageous individuals have decided to take up the tattered banner of conservatism, and as a result a true rallying is taking place, albeit far beneath the myopic radar screens of the "mainstream media." South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford and Texas Governor Rick Perry, to name a few, are linking up with those on "Mainstreet," demanding accountability from Washington, and affirming the necessity of a drastic overhaul of the bloated monstrosity that is the federal government, restoring some semblance of its constitutional scope.

Meanwhile, despite overwhelming media efforts to create a universal mindset that assumes the most despicable aspects of the counterculture, traditional values remain intact and in fact are gaining ground among the general public, as a direct result of the inherent ugliness of post-modern alternatives. The targeting and attempted character assassination of "Miss USA" contestant Carrie Prejean revealed the truly sinister tactics of the same-sex "marriage" advocacy. And a May 15 Gallup Poll shows that pro-life Americans now clearly outnumber those who support human abortion. The same sentiments prevail when the topic in question is personal freedom, and its scheduled eradication by the socialist "nanny state."

As a result, Democrats with an eye towards the 2010 mid-term elections are realizing that they must undertake a significant image makeover. When liberalism is couched in vague and non-quantifying terms such as "hope and change," it may resonate with voters, particularly if the alternative possesses all of the charisma of John McCain.

But once those platitudes are solidified into policies of massive spending, hostile government takeovers of private companies, unfolding threats against the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments, with no sanctuary for individual states (the Tenth Amendment was long ago relegated to the ash heap of history), average citizens shake off their apathy and become informed and involved in the political process. And this is a development that the Democrats cannot withstand, and will not tolerate.

In response, a major effort is underway to improve and redeem the public image of the Democrat Party, while concurrently tarnishing and vilifying the Republicans and in particular, its unabashed conservative wing.

Obama has openly abandoned hot button issues, such as his former advocacy of same-sex marriage, reverting to his campaign era stance in favor of traditional marriage. At the same time, he is fervently reassuring the public that he has no intention of releasing terrorists from Guantanamo Bay. His absurdly hypocritical declaration that America cannot sustain the current level of federal spending, is a seeming reaffirmation of fiscal responsibility. Admittedly, it rings extremely hollow, considering that Obama himself spearheaded the egregious and irresponsible spending spree. His phony "stimulus package" alone cost the American people well over a trillion dollars.

Even the controversial graduation speech at Notre Dame University, with all of its predictable platitudes and crowd-pleasing banalities, was part of an effort to recast the decidedly anti-Christian Obama as a "man of faith." Part of the oration involved a now predictable testimony of his own spiritual journey, which according to this version began under the guidance of Chicago's Cardinal Joseph Bernadin. Of course he changed the subject before explaining how that road led to twenty years under the tutelage and hate-filled venom of "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright.

Obama, arguably the most ardently pro-abortion partisan ever to ascend to the national stage, exhorted the Notre Dame crowd to rise above division and rancor, and to find "common ground" on an issue in which by definition no common ground can exist. Admittedly, this effort was accepted by his faithful followers, and will no doubt be invoked by the media as proof of a kindred spirituality with mainstream America.

But mainstream America increasingly rejects such mindless posturing. Right and wrong still mean what they always have. Efforts to create a disconnect between Republicans and conservatives, despite the frequent collaborative efforts of traitorous "moderates," are clearly not working, particularly when prominent conservatives seize upon them as opportunities to reassert their convictions. Former Vice-President Dick Cheney and radio giant Rush Limbaugh are prime examples. Transparent liberal attempts to marginalize their views as "extreme," accompanied by demands that "reasonable" Republicans disavow them, have regularly backfired when they are instead embraced enthusiastically.

Of course the Pelosi scandal, in which the Democrat House Speaker has been exposed in a deliberate lie regarding the CIA and its enhanced interrogation techniques, could not have come at a more inopportune time for the Democrats. It was Pelosi, after all, who popularized the phrase "a culture of corruption" when castigating Republicans for trivial and even completely fabricated malfeasance, none of which involved the grave undermining of the nation's effort in the terror war.

So, despite the extent of Democrat ravages against this nation and its Constitution, Americans should take heart. Chaos reigns among the morally and spiritually bankrupt liberal establishment. And no amount of cosmetic surgery will be sufficient to restore its image.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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