Chris Adamo
The liberal architects of chaos
By Chris Adamo
January 1, 2009

Does it seem that calamity and disorder are on the increase lately? Everything in our nation and world currently gives the impression that it is coming apart at the seams; from those dangerously high prices at the pump last summer, to the equal uneasiness of such low gas prices at present, to the economic meltdown and dubious "bailout," to the corruption eruption in Illinois, to the outbreak of a new war in the Middle-East. And the list goes on.

Even on that infamous date September 11, 2001, though a stunned America was momentarily uncertain of what its future held, the general understanding was that the nation would identify the culprits, take appropriate action to deal with them, and thereby ensure an eventual return to normality. Yet an ominous pattern shortly emerged. The uncertainties of that triumphant outcome for America were insidiously aggravated by the media who, along with their liberal cohorts on Capitol Hill, concocted one scenario after another in which America was either partly to blame for the hostility of the Islamists, or was somehow impotent in its effort to prevent future acts of terrorism.

It was prominent Democrats and their media parrots that first pronounced the Iraq war a "defeat" for the United States. And if one was to believe their characterization of the entire War on Terror, it was futility in vanquishing the Taliban in Afghanistan, amidst an endless parade of human rights abuses by Americans, and a general deterioration of life for innocent Iraqis. Meanwhile, the rights of Americans were ostensibly being obliterated by the monitoring of incoming calls from foreign terrorists, an effort that was collectively branded as the U.S. government "spying on Americans."

Some recognized this media/Democrat propaganda blitz as merely the partisan actions of the American left, attempting to gain political dominance over the Republicans. And to a major degree it certainly was such. Yet as the circus of 2008 draws to a close, and 2009 ensues, it is becoming apparent that something is very different in the present climate. The negative characterization of so many institutions and actions were perceived as merely a partisan attack on Congressional Republicans and the Bush White House. But it is becoming grimly apparent as the caterwauling continues that the real target of the attacks was and is America itself.

According to the liberal establishment, not merely the GOP, but the nation in its entirety, with its flawed heritage and track record of failure, is in need of a complete overhaul. This prospect for a remake of the nation is the essence of the "change" which we were promised, and which the November 4 election results are loudly being construed to validate. So much is and has been wrong, and so much needs "fixed." Change indeed is on the way.

Admittedly, some of the hysteria occurs on its own, without any prodding or instigating from the liberal mouthpieces. Much like the disastrous Tsunami that hit Southeast Asia in December of 2004, some things simply happen without forewarning or evident cause. However, the responses from liberals invariably reveal a shameless desire to exploit any calamity as a means of undermining traditional America, while promoting an agenda that ultimately discredits it and often empowers the enemies that have tirelessly sought to bring about its downfall.

It should be recalled that, in the wake of that Tsunami, the standard media mouthpieces created a veritable circus of international "donations" ostensibly intended to aid the victims. Yet the purpose of keeping score was as a means of asserting that the United States, invariably the biggest contributor to humanitarian causes in the world, had somehow failed to pay its fair share.

Likewise, any event from Hurricane Katrina to the newly erupting war between Israel and Hamas is predictably formed and flaked into a storyline that will reflect poorly in the United States. If any angle can be found or created within any event that might make America look bad, it is assured that the media and its Democrat accomplices will find and magnify it.

In the same manner, any and every situation that can be kindled into a crisis is currently being treated in just that manner. Those truly guilty of causing the problems, if they are liberal loyalists, can be guaranteed exoneration, while the problems they caused are recast in such a way as to blame Republicans, whether or not they are in power. Thus the gas shortage of last summer was not, we were told, a result of liberal obstruction to the legitimate efforts at locating and developing America's oil reserves. It was instead the consequence of "greedy" oil executives who were unwilling to develop "alternative energy sources."

The financial collapse of the banking industry was not, according to liberals, the inevitable outcome of foolish lending practices that placed "politically correct" social and ethnic quotas above the fundamental and commonsensical necessity to evaluate a prospective borrower's ability to repay a loan. Rather, those liberal politicians who demanded such ludicrous quotas have unceasingly decried the meltdown as a result of "predatory lending," as if bankers would ever conceive on their own of giving out money to borrowers who certainly will not return it. A shrewd moneymaking scheme indeed!

So, the economic collapse that ensued as a direct result of such meddling in the marketplace, be it on the energy front or among the nation's biggest money changers, is itself now a good opportunity for the liberal governmental monster to metastasize even further. A gross misuse of funds and power that caused the downturn is, we are told, the very reason for more monetary abuses and encroachment. Be sure that selected groups will benefit, while others will be penalized, based not in any way on their culpability, but on their standing among the hallowed ranks of glorified liberal "victims."

To be sure, the chaos will continue, and when necessary will be deliberately stoked to greater heights. An America that is content and secure will be immediately wary of any governmental attempts to "help" its citizenry. So the most effective avenue to "change" is in an atmosphere of disarray and fear.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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