Chris Adamo
The grim significance of the 2008 elections
By Chris Adamo
November 13, 2008

Perhaps the most disheartening reaction to the November 4 election of Barack Obama has been the attempt by conservatives to laud his victory as some sort of worthy racial milestone in American history. This lame effort to find conciliatory ground with the far left will ultimately prove futile. Worse yet, it lends an air of credibility to a malignant and corrupt political machine that threatens the very future of America and thus deserves no such tribute.

In truth, the racial "glass ceiling" that once tainted the American political landscape has quietly been eradicated for perhaps the past three decades. During that time, numerous American black luminaries have risen to the pinnacle of their fields, including several who achieved very high positions within the U.S. Government. Admittedly, as Republicans and conservatives they are rarely credited for their groundbreaking achievements.

Dr. Alan Keyes, for one example, has been a United States Ambassador and a driving force of the conservative movement, as well as a presidential candidate, during his prominent career. While Dr. Keyes' ideological motivation and energy may have better lent themselves to the landmark work of re-establishing and reaffirming America's spiritual roots than to the "nuts and bolts" pragmatism of the political realm, he is nonetheless respected and venerated with near unanimity among grassroots conservatives.

Along with Keyes, other notable individuals include Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, owing to his moral decency, wisdom, and bold regard for the integrity of the U.S. Constitution. Clearly, Justice Thomas could have swiftly garnered enormous conservative support had he ever shown an inclination to change careers and run for high office.

In much the same manner, the one-time widespread popularity of Republican Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell resulted in their enthusiastic consideration for the presidency, though on closer examination both proved to be far too liberal to warrant unconditional conservative support. Nevertheless, the ebb and flow of their political careers was based entirely on political philosophy and not race.

All of the above examples are inarguable testimony of the post-racial mindset that has prevailed in this country for many years, at least on the right. Conversely, it is worth remembering the obscene treatment these same individuals received from the left. It was not Republicans or conservatives who resorted to revolting racial stereotypes in efforts to undercut political adversaries who happened to be black. The epithets of "Uncle Tom," and "Aunt Jemima" were deployed by the left, not the right, as weapons of bigotry and racial subjugation, proving beyond any doubt that the liberal facade of racial sensitivity is completely conditional and exists wholly for its political advantages.

Thus, in the thoroughly poisoned atmosphere of present-day America, Barack Obama's presidential win simply cannot be interpreted as the ascendancy of America over past struggles with race, but instead an indication of the ongoing manipulative use of race for political expediency. Obama himself contributed significantly to this travesty by regularly invoking race when among certain crowds, and then completely denying its relevance when appearing before others. In the end, he did not gloriously ascend upon the shoulders of his brethren, but more accurately achieved his goal by standing on their backs.

It is far more significant however to recognize that the racial game Obama played represents only one aspect of the twisted political movement that seized the presidency for him. From its shady financing, to the innumerable incidents of voter fraud and intimidation, to the media propaganda blitz that rivaled anything seen since the days of Joseph Goebbels, the incessant parade of despicable behavior indicates that Obama and his political apparatus believe that they could not have won a sincere and open political competition.

Ultimately, instead of highlighting the ascendancy of the American mainstream above past racial prejudices, the 2008 election will ever after serve as a bell-weather of the total collapse of the American political process, possibly marking the end of the freedom and greatness of America.

In response, real Americans must put futile attempts at "graciousness" aside, recognize the dire nature of the situation in which they find themselves, and say so publicly. They must immediately return to a political discourse that is defined by truth, and not tainted beyond recognition with "political correctness." Good must be called "good," and evil must be called "evil," with no concern for the predictably overblown and hysterical reactions of the opposition.

No quarter can be offered in response to the false supposition of liberal sincerity. Those on the left care about the supposed sexual harassment of women only when they can gain political traction from the ensuing controversy surrounding it. They tout "morality" only when a scandal emerges that might cost a Republican Senator his seat. When such problems are unearthed on their side of the aisle, they turn a blind eye and deliver platitudes about one's "private" life or the "politics of destruction." Likewise, liberals throughout the Democrat political machine and the old media cite race only when they can use the issue to bludgeon their rivals.

This year, liberal Democrats showed their true disdain and contempt for the wishes of the American electorate by ignoring the countless incidents of criminal vote tampering that inarguably altered the outcome of the 2008 elections. Consequently, patriotic Americans owe no unconditional "oath of loyalty" to Obama, who now leads the political movement that loudly flaunted its total disloyalty to the current president even when doing so undermined the interests of this nation as he sought to preserve and defend it.

It is high time for conservatives to recognize that since the 1990s, the rules have changed. The only "new ground" broken during this year's election cycle was the boundary of law that had once been instituted to ensure a just and equitable execution of the democratic process, but is now in shambles.

The underhanded Democrat tactics of the 2008 political season are no less a declaration of war on the conventions and institutions of the American heartland than were the numerous Islamist attacks preceding 9-11. And anything short of a full and appropriate political and ideological counterattack from the right will guarantee its eventual defeat.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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