It's getting scarier – brace yourselves
Wes Vernon, RenewAmerica analyst
The left seems to get closer and closer to using its ultimate hammer to tame conservatives into obeisance to its commands.
Years ago, according to a writer at the time, a group of "intellects" with Ph.D.s – as reported by another writer at this website – were casually discussing the possible ultimate need to consign resisters to hard-left rule to "re-education camps." Obviously, even the most anti-freedom leftist would know that such an incursion into a nation whose people still relish their freedoms would encounter fierce resistance.
That doesn't stop frightening schemes from being hatched in the fevered imaginations of the power-hungry in our midst.
Comes now Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) who, according to one internet report, wants to have Americans thrown in jail if they won't give up their "assault weapons."
The freshman lawmaker, who also (and this may trouble you) has presidential ambitions, would grant "a reasonable period" in which to turn them in. If gun owners do not sell them essentially to the government, they would be prosecuted and thrown into jail.
Confusing one-round-per-trigger-pull "semi-automatic rifles" with military-style, fully automatic assault weapons – which cosmetically look alike but perform very differently – Booker told CNN's Poppy Harlow, "The critical thing is, I think most Americans agree, that these weapons of war should not be on our streets."
Booker said his 14-part gun control plan is a "national gun licensing program, which would force Americans to apply for 5-year gun licenses before obtaining a firearm. The process would include fingerprinting, an interview, gun safety courses, and a federal background check."
As time goes on, those who would deny our freedoms become increasingly bolder in the remedies for their perceived demons.
© Wes Vernon
May 10, 2019
The left seems to get closer and closer to using its ultimate hammer to tame conservatives into obeisance to its commands.
Years ago, according to a writer at the time, a group of "intellects" with Ph.D.s – as reported by another writer at this website – were casually discussing the possible ultimate need to consign resisters to hard-left rule to "re-education camps." Obviously, even the most anti-freedom leftist would know that such an incursion into a nation whose people still relish their freedoms would encounter fierce resistance.
That doesn't stop frightening schemes from being hatched in the fevered imaginations of the power-hungry in our midst.

The freshman lawmaker, who also (and this may trouble you) has presidential ambitions, would grant "a reasonable period" in which to turn them in. If gun owners do not sell them essentially to the government, they would be prosecuted and thrown into jail.
Confusing one-round-per-trigger-pull "semi-automatic rifles" with military-style, fully automatic assault weapons – which cosmetically look alike but perform very differently – Booker told CNN's Poppy Harlow, "The critical thing is, I think most Americans agree, that these weapons of war should not be on our streets."
Booker said his 14-part gun control plan is a "national gun licensing program, which would force Americans to apply for 5-year gun licenses before obtaining a firearm. The process would include fingerprinting, an interview, gun safety courses, and a federal background check."
As time goes on, those who would deny our freedoms become increasingly bolder in the remedies for their perceived demons.
© Wes Vernon
The views expressed by RenewAmerica analysts generally reflect the VALUES AND PHILOSOPHY of RenewAmerica — although each writer is responsible for the accuracy of individual pieces, and the position taken is the writer's own.
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