Obama's genie
Joan Swirsky, RenewAmerica analyst
Imagine a guy in his mid-thirties walking on a beach in Hawaii and seeing an object that actually looked like the genie lamp he read about in his childhood – the kind of lamp he could rub until a genie popped out and granted his most fervent wish.
Being a pretty ordinary guy – you know, the kind who hung out smoking pot, who slacked off in school, who didn't get the girl and actually hated and was jealous of the guys who did
– he asked for power.
Poof – the Genie granted him his wish, power beyond his wildest dreams.
To be sure, the Genie certainly didn't know that this ordinary guy didn't want merely to embarrass the guys he was jealous of, he wanted to destroy them. And not through the ordinary methods – knives, guns, poison, etc., although all of them might play a part one day – but through politics!
The most important thing the Genie didn't know was that all those cool, get-the-girl guys were only symbols for the thing Mr. Ordinary hated most – America!
But too late – the Genie had given him the power to mobilize the entire world against the country he claimed was the place of his birth.
Who was this ordinary guy?
He said his name was Barack Obama and he was born in 1961 to a white mother and a black father from Kenya, Africa, who met at the University of Hawaii. Reporters had no interest in finding a marriage certificate, but – as leftists are so fond of saying – it's only a piece of paper!
Two years later, the boy's parents divorced and young Obama's mother met and married another U. of Hawaii student, Lolo Soetoro, a native of Indonesia. In 1966, the couple moved to Jakarta, Indonesia, with five-year-old Barack, who was adopted by his new father, which according to Indonesian law would automatically make him an Indonesian citizen. His student ID card carried the name of Barry Soetoro. Four years later, Mrs. Soetoro gave birth to a daughter named Maya and sent 10-year-old Barack back to Hawaii to be raised by her parents.
In Indonesia, the reporting grows fuzzy, some saying that Barack attended a Christian school, others saying a Madrassa where he studied the Koran. The latter seems more probable as Mr. Obama himself described the Muslim call to prayer as "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset."
After high school, Mr. Obama studied at Occidental College in Los Angeles. But again, the media weren't curious enough to ask for the transcripts and so none were ever produced. Was this to conceal Mr. Obama's status as a foreign student? Mmmmm.
Then, he transferred to Columbia University in New York City. But strangely, no first-person reports ever emerged of any associations, sightings, relationships, or dating of the Ivy League student – and, again, no transcripts.
Mr. Obama moved to Chicago in 1985 and became a community organizer – entering the profession of his and Hillary Clinton's idol, Saul Alinsky, the America-loathing Marxist whose book "Rules for Radicals" provided a blueprint for "fundamentally changing" the United States of America from a capitalist, free-market, U.S. Constitution-respecting, freedom-loving country into either a Communist paradise or an Islamic caliphate.
In 1988, our One Lucky Guy entered Harvard Law School where he became the first African-American editor of the Harvard Law Review...quite amazingly, seeing that he wrote not one article to earn this honor and that – ta da – no transcripts of his years in the law school ever materialized! The media once again demonstrated a remarkable lack of curiosity about who paid Mr. Obama's immensely expensive tuition.
They also had no interest in asking Mr. Obama why Simon & Schuster cancelled the contract on the book they gave him a pricey advance for – Dreams from My Father – which was finally published in 1995 by Times Books (a division of Random House). Or how on earth his publisher, editor, and the professionals employed by the literary agency, Acton & Dystel, could all have gotten it wrong when they distributed a publicity brochure for the book that featured the author's picture and a blurb that read: "Barack Obama, the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii" – a description future candidate and then Oval Office occupant Barack Obama spent multimillions of dollars on denying!
After Harvard, the new graduate joined a Chicago law firm where his supervisor was another Harvard Law School graduate, Michelle Robinson. They dated, then married. But surprise, surprise, there is no record of their marriage certificate, just as no photos of Michelle being pregnant with their two daughters, and no birth certificates of their daughters exist in the public domain.
No, not the policy of favoring members of a minority group in job hiring, college admissions, etc., but rather the concrete steps a number of movers and shakers took when they began to think that Mr. Obama would be the perfect fit for Chicago "machine" politics.
In 1995, Mr. Obama's mentor, the communist Alice Palmer, announced that she was giving up her seat in the state senate to run for the U.S. Congress and anointed Mr. Obama her successor. She had personally introduced Mr. Obama to Bill Ayers – the anti-war founder of the terrorist group the Weather Underground Organization (WUO) who advocated killing 25 million Americans to actualize his goal of overthrowing America – and to Ayers' partner in crime, his wife Bernardine Dohrn. In fact, Mr. Obama's political career was launched in the Ayers' living room.
But after Mrs. Palmer suffered an unexpected defeat in the special congressional election, she decided she wanted her state senate seat back and asked Mr. Obama not to run. He not only refused to step aside, but said he was going to pose a legal challenge to the legitimacy of the signatures she had amassed to qualify for the ballot. Using that tactic, he got all four challengers – including Mrs. Palmer – knocked off the ballot so he could run unchallenged in heavily Democrat Illinois.
Mr. Obama spent three terms in the Illinois state senate – from 1997 to 2004 – when he decided to run for the U.S. Senate. And whaddaya know! Trailing in third place with only three weeks until the primary election, Mr. Obama magically – or you can blame it on the Genie – got some hack from the Chicago Tribune to publish salacious dirt on both Democrat rivals (one involving sealed records of one, no less), which destroyed their candidacies and gave the nomination to, again, the unchallenged state senator.
That was in March. The following July, Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) pushed for Senator Obama to give the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention. It was a masterful presentation in which the extreme left-wing radicalism – which defined his years in community organizing and state office and would later define his eight years in the Oval Office – was camouflaged to perfection.
"There's not a liberal America and a conservative America," he intoned to the audience, "there's the United States of America. There's not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America. The pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States.... we are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America."
Yeah, right.
On February 10, 2007, only three years into his first term, Senator Obama announced his intention to seek the presidency of the United States of America. Just as his three terms in the Illinois state senate had yielded a remarkably unremarkable record of boilerplate liberal "accomplishments" – with abortion, especially late-term abortion, and also blocking legislation to protect born-alive survivors of abortions at the top of his list – so had his first three years in Washington, D.C.
But on August 28, 2008, the fledgling senator was nominated for president, defeating the perennial glass-ceiling candidate, Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), and going on to defeat the Republican in Name Only (RINO), Arizona Sen. John McCain.
Who – we ask – could manage to mobilize left-wing politics worldwide, including:
But his fans yearned to believe that Mr. Obama was not half-white, but instead the Great Black Hope who would redeem Big Bad America from its racist past, and also that he was a
successful author. Regarding the latter, Jack Cashill made a slam-dunk case in his blockbuster book Deconstructing Obama: The Life, Loves, and Letters of America's First
Postmodern President that it was actually Mr. Obama's close pal – the unrepentant terrorist William Ayers – who wrote the book.
And they wanted to believe that Mr. Obama was a very honest guy, which is why they nodded their heads affirmatively when he said that in over 20 years of sitting in the pews of the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright's church, he never heard the preacher's anti-American, anti-Semitic rants.
Throughout the campaign (and well into his occupation of the Oval Office), a group of 400 leftist – ahem – journalists decided they didn't like authentic journalists questioning Mr. Obama on everything from the constitutional eligibility of his candidacy to his longtime relationships with radicals like William Ayers and anti-American, anti-Semitic bigwigs like Rev. Louis Farrakhan. To prop up their candidate of choice, and to go after any of his critics and questioners with a vengeance, they formed JournOlist.
Sure enough, this overwhelmingly left-wing and deeply corrupt group refused to ask even one question about why Mr. Obama used a state of Connecticut Social Security number when he hadn't lived one day of his life in that state; why he lost his law license in 2002 (or if, in fact, he ever took the bar exam); why Michelle's law license was inactivated by court order; why Mr. Obama never released more than a one-page medical report...the list of unasked questions goes on and on.
And when any moderate or conservative journalist asked him about saying during his campaign that he had traveled to "all 57 states – I think one left to go"(did he mean the 57 states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference?), or in office when he stated that the people in Austria speak Austrian, or referred to military corpsmen as corpse men, or described his grandmother as "a typical white person" – you get the picture – the media whores immediately pounced, accusing any critic of being a "racist."
How clueless they were and are to this day of their own rank racism, in essence telling Americans that they're not allowed to criticize a black man because he's not smart enough or strong enough to take it...but they are smart enough and strong enough to defend him by insulting his critics. Cannot make this up!
America has had unlikely presidents before Mr. Obama, but none quite as unlikely. How did this happen?
For almost an entire century, and certainly since the tumultuous '60s when Bill and Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin and other far-leftists reared their seditious heads, the left has been looking for the one defining figure to get them over the goal line, that being literally overthrowing the United States of America – the land they loathe.
Jimmy Carter was a start, but the Dolly Parton fantasizer lasted only one term before America came to its senses and elected the genuine conservative Ronald Reagan. After enjoying two terms of peace and prosperity, Americans once again voted for Republican George H.W. Bush – only to boot him out in favor of the charming southerner Bill Clinton, whose victory, political pundits claimed, was helped immeasurably by the phony third-party candidacy of Texas billionaire business mogul Ross Perot, who bowed out of the race at the last minute, de facto throwing his votes to the man who would become known forever as "slick Willy."
Clinton's eight long years lasted largely because of a strong economy, decent job growth, a surge in homeownership, and Family & Medical Leave for 20-million Americans, among other factors – in spite of non-stop scandals, impeachment, perjury, and the loss of his law license, the accusation of rape, the stained blue dress, the pathetic wife, the mishandling of terror attacks, the proliferation of corporate scandals (numbering 86), the floodgate of unvetted immigrants into the country, the massacre at Waco, the colossal failure of Hillarycare, betraying America by by selling advanced U.S. missile technology to our enemy the People's Republic of China, and threatening little Elian Gonzales at gunpoint.
Once again, America came to its senses and elected #43, the former two-term Governor of Texas George W. Bush, the son of #41. The affable junior enjoyed two terms until the coup
d'état cabal was ready for their full-on assault on America. But "W" facilitated that assault by joining the left in their fantasy that Islam was "the religion of peace" and acknowledged, himself, that his "Mission Accomplished" banner was a bad idea, and that
he failed to push for immigration reform. Others cite a skyrocketing deficit and the fact he waged two costly and ineffective wars (in Afghanistan and Iraq).
Over all these years, leftist heavy hitters were developing their takeover. Armed with multibillions of dollars from a handful of powerful America-detesting progressives, they covered every base, starting with the media whores who proved to be the easiest to buy and control. Next they bought every member of the Democrat Party, instructing them to sing one tune and one tune only throughout the candidate's presidential campaign and his entire tenure...and insisted that they, the real brains behind the coup, would provide both the tune and the lyrics.
Next, they implanted the consigliere, Valerie Jarrett, to basically run the presidency, and also speech writers to formulate every single solitary word that Mr. Obama spoke, even demanding that he use a Teleprompter to address a kindergarten class!
Within weeks or months, the honchos-in-chief delivered to their hand-picked puppet – that would be the guy who rubbed the genie lamp – the massive to-do list they had been working on for decades:
The Obama regime, as Americans have now learned, was steeped, indeed marinating, in illegality and corruption. There was virtually no dirty trick they believed was beyond the pale, no department (FBI, anyone?) and no operative (Seth Rich, anyone?) beyond exploitable or dispensable.
They believed this because every single poll told them (and told America) that Barack Obama's successor would be his former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, a woman who had elevated corruption, dishonesty, and malfeasance to a virtual art form.
In other words, with Hillary's election, their dirty secrets would remain with them.

They welcomed the sixteen Republican candidates who ran against Hillary for president in 2015, especially the mega-mogul Donald J. Trump, whose inexperience in the political world and colorful, tabloid-rich background made him the perfect target for their oppo-research team to skewer.
But as candidate Trump systematically leveled every opponent and Hillary was left to face the guy who labeled her "crooked Hillary" – inspiring the huge crowds he attracted to chant "Lock Her Up! Lock Her Up!" – Ms. Glass Ceiling began to devolve, relying on Democrat operatives like Donna Brazile to give her questions to upcoming debates and forcing her to commit unforced errors like calling Trump supporters, a month before the election, "a basket of deplorables."
When the Obama/Hillary crew finally smelled the coffee of possible defeat, they hatched a plan to destroy a President Trump if, in fact, that eventuality came to pass. And it did. And they launched their plan – to produce a phony dossier and accuse President Trump of colluding with Russia in order to win the election. Relevant to mention here is that it was over a million dollars from Hillary's campaign coffers that paid for MI6 agent Christopher Steele to compile the dossier.
Just as their moneybags donors had directed them during the Obama years, both the media whores and the Democrats stuck to the script – Trump-Russia, Trump-Russia, Trump- Russia. Former FBI Director Robert Mueller was anointed by another former Obama operative, Ron Rosenstein, to conduct the Russia collusion investigation.
Mr. Mueller hired – exclusively, with not one exception – Democrat prosecutors and lawyers, most of them contributors to Hillary's campaign, to help destroy the newly inaugurated President Trump. They labored for over a year, with the oleaginous top dog on the intelligence committee, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), leading the charge.
The result: The stunning revelations of widespread, massive, endemic corruption and collusion with Russia – by the Democrats themselves! But not one scintilla of evidence against President Trump.
On February 24, 2018, reporter Gabby Morrongiello of the Washington Examiner quoted former White House advisor Sebastian Gorka – who commented on the four-page memo released a few weeks ago by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA), which accused FBI and Justice Department officials of abusing their power and deliberately misleading the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to gain permission to surveil former Trump adviser Carter Page because of his contacts in Moscow:
[Surprise, surprise – 10 of the 11 FISA court judges were appointed by Obama!]
"Remember," Gorka announced at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, "we're only at the beginning of FISA-gate, which eventually will be Obama-gate.
"It's not the Ben Rhodes of the world, it's not the John Brennans, it's not the Susan Rices, who are only culpable for the criminal regime we had that spied on Americans illegally," Gorka said, citing several senior Obama administration officials. "Guess what – somebody had to let them."
"And guess what?" Gorka continued. "It's the last president of the United States."
Rep. Nunes apparently agrees, as he identifies Mr. Obama to WorldNetDaily.com as being the person who was really in collusion with Russia "for eight years and setting the stage for orchestrating a conspiracy theory of collusion between Moscow and Donald Trump during the 2016 election."
Daniel Greenfield writes that "the Obama era is over. It was wiped from the pages of history in one night that left Congress and the White House in Republican hands. Obama's...frantic efforts to campaign for Hillary did no good. The public...made it clear that he did not matter. Obama once thought that he belonged to the ages. Now he belongs in the rubbish bin."
Maybe...but maybe not. President Trump not only wiped out any shred of Mr. Obama's so-called legacy, he effectively destroyed the fantasy of a magical genie that has guided the former community organizer's lifelong obsessive mission to destroy America.
Is it too much for the rest of us to fantasize that the man who once chanted "We are the ones we've been waiting for" will have a prosecutor replace the G in genie with a G for Gitmo?
© Joan Swirsky
February 27, 2018
Imagine a guy in his mid-thirties walking on a beach in Hawaii and seeing an object that actually looked like the genie lamp he read about in his childhood – the kind of lamp he could rub until a genie popped out and granted his most fervent wish.

Poof – the Genie granted him his wish, power beyond his wildest dreams.
To be sure, the Genie certainly didn't know that this ordinary guy didn't want merely to embarrass the guys he was jealous of, he wanted to destroy them. And not through the ordinary methods – knives, guns, poison, etc., although all of them might play a part one day – but through politics!
The most important thing the Genie didn't know was that all those cool, get-the-girl guys were only symbols for the thing Mr. Ordinary hated most – America!
But too late – the Genie had given him the power to mobilize the entire world against the country he claimed was the place of his birth.
Who was this ordinary guy?
He said his name was Barack Obama and he was born in 1961 to a white mother and a black father from Kenya, Africa, who met at the University of Hawaii. Reporters had no interest in finding a marriage certificate, but – as leftists are so fond of saying – it's only a piece of paper!
Two years later, the boy's parents divorced and young Obama's mother met and married another U. of Hawaii student, Lolo Soetoro, a native of Indonesia. In 1966, the couple moved to Jakarta, Indonesia, with five-year-old Barack, who was adopted by his new father, which according to Indonesian law would automatically make him an Indonesian citizen. His student ID card carried the name of Barry Soetoro. Four years later, Mrs. Soetoro gave birth to a daughter named Maya and sent 10-year-old Barack back to Hawaii to be raised by her parents.
In Indonesia, the reporting grows fuzzy, some saying that Barack attended a Christian school, others saying a Madrassa where he studied the Koran. The latter seems more probable as Mr. Obama himself described the Muslim call to prayer as "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset."
After high school, Mr. Obama studied at Occidental College in Los Angeles. But again, the media weren't curious enough to ask for the transcripts and so none were ever produced. Was this to conceal Mr. Obama's status as a foreign student? Mmmmm.
Then, he transferred to Columbia University in New York City. But strangely, no first-person reports ever emerged of any associations, sightings, relationships, or dating of the Ivy League student – and, again, no transcripts.
Mr. Obama moved to Chicago in 1985 and became a community organizer – entering the profession of his and Hillary Clinton's idol, Saul Alinsky, the America-loathing Marxist whose book "Rules for Radicals" provided a blueprint for "fundamentally changing" the United States of America from a capitalist, free-market, U.S. Constitution-respecting, freedom-loving country into either a Communist paradise or an Islamic caliphate.
In 1988, our One Lucky Guy entered Harvard Law School where he became the first African-American editor of the Harvard Law Review...quite amazingly, seeing that he wrote not one article to earn this honor and that – ta da – no transcripts of his years in the law school ever materialized! The media once again demonstrated a remarkable lack of curiosity about who paid Mr. Obama's immensely expensive tuition.
They also had no interest in asking Mr. Obama why Simon & Schuster cancelled the contract on the book they gave him a pricey advance for – Dreams from My Father – which was finally published in 1995 by Times Books (a division of Random House). Or how on earth his publisher, editor, and the professionals employed by the literary agency, Acton & Dystel, could all have gotten it wrong when they distributed a publicity brochure for the book that featured the author's picture and a blurb that read: "Barack Obama, the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii" – a description future candidate and then Oval Office occupant Barack Obama spent multimillions of dollars on denying!
After Harvard, the new graduate joined a Chicago law firm where his supervisor was another Harvard Law School graduate, Michelle Robinson. They dated, then married. But surprise, surprise, there is no record of their marriage certificate, just as no photos of Michelle being pregnant with their two daughters, and no birth certificates of their daughters exist in the public domain.
No, not the policy of favoring members of a minority group in job hiring, college admissions, etc., but rather the concrete steps a number of movers and shakers took when they began to think that Mr. Obama would be the perfect fit for Chicago "machine" politics.
In 1995, Mr. Obama's mentor, the communist Alice Palmer, announced that she was giving up her seat in the state senate to run for the U.S. Congress and anointed Mr. Obama her successor. She had personally introduced Mr. Obama to Bill Ayers – the anti-war founder of the terrorist group the Weather Underground Organization (WUO) who advocated killing 25 million Americans to actualize his goal of overthrowing America – and to Ayers' partner in crime, his wife Bernardine Dohrn. In fact, Mr. Obama's political career was launched in the Ayers' living room.
But after Mrs. Palmer suffered an unexpected defeat in the special congressional election, she decided she wanted her state senate seat back and asked Mr. Obama not to run. He not only refused to step aside, but said he was going to pose a legal challenge to the legitimacy of the signatures she had amassed to qualify for the ballot. Using that tactic, he got all four challengers – including Mrs. Palmer – knocked off the ballot so he could run unchallenged in heavily Democrat Illinois.
Mr. Obama spent three terms in the Illinois state senate – from 1997 to 2004 – when he decided to run for the U.S. Senate. And whaddaya know! Trailing in third place with only three weeks until the primary election, Mr. Obama magically – or you can blame it on the Genie – got some hack from the Chicago Tribune to publish salacious dirt on both Democrat rivals (one involving sealed records of one, no less), which destroyed their candidacies and gave the nomination to, again, the unchallenged state senator.
That was in March. The following July, Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) pushed for Senator Obama to give the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention. It was a masterful presentation in which the extreme left-wing radicalism – which defined his years in community organizing and state office and would later define his eight years in the Oval Office – was camouflaged to perfection.
"There's not a liberal America and a conservative America," he intoned to the audience, "there's the United States of America. There's not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America. The pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States.... we are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America."
Yeah, right.

On February 10, 2007, only three years into his first term, Senator Obama announced his intention to seek the presidency of the United States of America. Just as his three terms in the Illinois state senate had yielded a remarkably unremarkable record of boilerplate liberal "accomplishments" – with abortion, especially late-term abortion, and also blocking legislation to protect born-alive survivors of abortions at the top of his list – so had his first three years in Washington, D.C.
But on August 28, 2008, the fledgling senator was nominated for president, defeating the perennial glass-ceiling candidate, Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), and going on to defeat the Republican in Name Only (RINO), Arizona Sen. John McCain.
Who – we ask – could manage to mobilize left-wing politics worldwide, including:
- The entire spectrum of the American Democrat Party,
- The worldwide America-loathing Muslim Brotherhood,
- The bought-and-paid-for American media whores,
- The impotent socialists of the European Union,
- The impotent socialists and Communists of Venezuela, Cuba, and other utterly failed regimes,
- The Muslim terrorist regime of Iran,
- The dictator-populated United Nations,
- The mal-educated millennials raised on leftist propaganda,
- The bitter abortion-loving, man-hating feminists,
- The pathological jealousy of all things successful,
- On and on and on and on....all negative?

And they wanted to believe that Mr. Obama was a very honest guy, which is why they nodded their heads affirmatively when he said that in over 20 years of sitting in the pews of the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright's church, he never heard the preacher's anti-American, anti-Semitic rants.
Throughout the campaign (and well into his occupation of the Oval Office), a group of 400 leftist – ahem – journalists decided they didn't like authentic journalists questioning Mr. Obama on everything from the constitutional eligibility of his candidacy to his longtime relationships with radicals like William Ayers and anti-American, anti-Semitic bigwigs like Rev. Louis Farrakhan. To prop up their candidate of choice, and to go after any of his critics and questioners with a vengeance, they formed JournOlist.
Sure enough, this overwhelmingly left-wing and deeply corrupt group refused to ask even one question about why Mr. Obama used a state of Connecticut Social Security number when he hadn't lived one day of his life in that state; why he lost his law license in 2002 (or if, in fact, he ever took the bar exam); why Michelle's law license was inactivated by court order; why Mr. Obama never released more than a one-page medical report...the list of unasked questions goes on and on.
And when any moderate or conservative journalist asked him about saying during his campaign that he had traveled to "all 57 states – I think one left to go"(did he mean the 57 states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference?), or in office when he stated that the people in Austria speak Austrian, or referred to military corpsmen as corpse men, or described his grandmother as "a typical white person" – you get the picture – the media whores immediately pounced, accusing any critic of being a "racist."
How clueless they were and are to this day of their own rank racism, in essence telling Americans that they're not allowed to criticize a black man because he's not smart enough or strong enough to take it...but they are smart enough and strong enough to defend him by insulting his critics. Cannot make this up!
America has had unlikely presidents before Mr. Obama, but none quite as unlikely. How did this happen?
For almost an entire century, and certainly since the tumultuous '60s when Bill and Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin and other far-leftists reared their seditious heads, the left has been looking for the one defining figure to get them over the goal line, that being literally overthrowing the United States of America – the land they loathe.
Jimmy Carter was a start, but the Dolly Parton fantasizer lasted only one term before America came to its senses and elected the genuine conservative Ronald Reagan. After enjoying two terms of peace and prosperity, Americans once again voted for Republican George H.W. Bush – only to boot him out in favor of the charming southerner Bill Clinton, whose victory, political pundits claimed, was helped immeasurably by the phony third-party candidacy of Texas billionaire business mogul Ross Perot, who bowed out of the race at the last minute, de facto throwing his votes to the man who would become known forever as "slick Willy."
Clinton's eight long years lasted largely because of a strong economy, decent job growth, a surge in homeownership, and Family & Medical Leave for 20-million Americans, among other factors – in spite of non-stop scandals, impeachment, perjury, and the loss of his law license, the accusation of rape, the stained blue dress, the pathetic wife, the mishandling of terror attacks, the proliferation of corporate scandals (numbering 86), the floodgate of unvetted immigrants into the country, the massacre at Waco, the colossal failure of Hillarycare, betraying America by by selling advanced U.S. missile technology to our enemy the People's Republic of China, and threatening little Elian Gonzales at gunpoint.

Over all these years, leftist heavy hitters were developing their takeover. Armed with multibillions of dollars from a handful of powerful America-detesting progressives, they covered every base, starting with the media whores who proved to be the easiest to buy and control. Next they bought every member of the Democrat Party, instructing them to sing one tune and one tune only throughout the candidate's presidential campaign and his entire tenure...and insisted that they, the real brains behind the coup, would provide both the tune and the lyrics.
Next, they implanted the consigliere, Valerie Jarrett, to basically run the presidency, and also speech writers to formulate every single solitary word that Mr. Obama spoke, even demanding that he use a Teleprompter to address a kindergarten class!
Within weeks or months, the honchos-in-chief delivered to their hand-picked puppet – that would be the guy who rubbed the genie lamp – the massive to-do list they had been working on for decades:
- 11,000 pages of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare, aka socialized
- Mountains of Environmental Protection Agency regulations that effectively killed the coal industry and other domestic energy sources, among other Draconian rules.
- A blueprint for Common Core, aka socialized education (read: leftist propaganda),
- An elaborate plan to destroy the military, as Matt Barber spells out here, by, among other things,
purging military commanders, enacting Rules of Engagement that militate against our success in combat, cutting military pay and benefits, cutting missile defense, etc.
- The introduction of members of the Islamic supremacist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, into the highest reaches of the American government.
- Weaponizing the Internal Revenue Service and, we now learn, the FBI, the DOJ, the DHS, and other agencies of the U.S. Government, a function, Tom Basile writes in Forbes, of Obama's "dangerous arrogance of power."
- On and on and on and on.
The Obama regime, as Americans have now learned, was steeped, indeed marinating, in illegality and corruption. There was virtually no dirty trick they believed was beyond the pale, no department (FBI, anyone?) and no operative (Seth Rich, anyone?) beyond exploitable or dispensable.
They believed this because every single poll told them (and told America) that Barack Obama's successor would be his former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, a woman who had elevated corruption, dishonesty, and malfeasance to a virtual art form.
In other words, with Hillary's election, their dirty secrets would remain with them.

They welcomed the sixteen Republican candidates who ran against Hillary for president in 2015, especially the mega-mogul Donald J. Trump, whose inexperience in the political world and colorful, tabloid-rich background made him the perfect target for their oppo-research team to skewer.
But as candidate Trump systematically leveled every opponent and Hillary was left to face the guy who labeled her "crooked Hillary" – inspiring the huge crowds he attracted to chant "Lock Her Up! Lock Her Up!" – Ms. Glass Ceiling began to devolve, relying on Democrat operatives like Donna Brazile to give her questions to upcoming debates and forcing her to commit unforced errors like calling Trump supporters, a month before the election, "a basket of deplorables."
When the Obama/Hillary crew finally smelled the coffee of possible defeat, they hatched a plan to destroy a President Trump if, in fact, that eventuality came to pass. And it did. And they launched their plan – to produce a phony dossier and accuse President Trump of colluding with Russia in order to win the election. Relevant to mention here is that it was over a million dollars from Hillary's campaign coffers that paid for MI6 agent Christopher Steele to compile the dossier.
Just as their moneybags donors had directed them during the Obama years, both the media whores and the Democrats stuck to the script – Trump-Russia, Trump-Russia, Trump- Russia. Former FBI Director Robert Mueller was anointed by another former Obama operative, Ron Rosenstein, to conduct the Russia collusion investigation.
Mr. Mueller hired – exclusively, with not one exception – Democrat prosecutors and lawyers, most of them contributors to Hillary's campaign, to help destroy the newly inaugurated President Trump. They labored for over a year, with the oleaginous top dog on the intelligence committee, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), leading the charge.
The result: The stunning revelations of widespread, massive, endemic corruption and collusion with Russia – by the Democrats themselves! But not one scintilla of evidence against President Trump.
On February 24, 2018, reporter Gabby Morrongiello of the Washington Examiner quoted former White House advisor Sebastian Gorka – who commented on the four-page memo released a few weeks ago by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA), which accused FBI and Justice Department officials of abusing their power and deliberately misleading the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to gain permission to surveil former Trump adviser Carter Page because of his contacts in Moscow:
[Surprise, surprise – 10 of the 11 FISA court judges were appointed by Obama!]
"Remember," Gorka announced at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, "we're only at the beginning of FISA-gate, which eventually will be Obama-gate.
"It's not the Ben Rhodes of the world, it's not the John Brennans, it's not the Susan Rices, who are only culpable for the criminal regime we had that spied on Americans illegally," Gorka said, citing several senior Obama administration officials. "Guess what – somebody had to let them."
"And guess what?" Gorka continued. "It's the last president of the United States."
Rep. Nunes apparently agrees, as he identifies Mr. Obama to WorldNetDaily.com as being the person who was really in collusion with Russia "for eight years and setting the stage for orchestrating a conspiracy theory of collusion between Moscow and Donald Trump during the 2016 election."
Daniel Greenfield writes that "the Obama era is over. It was wiped from the pages of history in one night that left Congress and the White House in Republican hands. Obama's...frantic efforts to campaign for Hillary did no good. The public...made it clear that he did not matter. Obama once thought that he belonged to the ages. Now he belongs in the rubbish bin."
Maybe...but maybe not. President Trump not only wiped out any shred of Mr. Obama's so-called legacy, he effectively destroyed the fantasy of a magical genie that has guided the former community organizer's lifelong obsessive mission to destroy America.
Is it too much for the rest of us to fantasize that the man who once chanted "We are the ones we've been waiting for" will have a prosecutor replace the G in genie with a G for Gitmo?
© Joan Swirsky
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