November 4, 2024
YOUTUBE — Franklin Graham joins Kirk Cameron to examine how Christians can be most effective in turning the tide for America in 2024. He details the difficult future that faces our country if it continues on its current course and also shares his prayer for America. Don't miss this insightful conversation on Takeaways with Kirk Cameron on TBN!... (more)

November 3, 2024
YOUTUBE — In a time of political and spiritual turmoil, Reverend David Hill (David A.R. White) steps up to run for U.S. Congress after an incumbent's sudden death. Facing off against state senator Peter Kane (Ray Wise), David challenges the increasing efforts to remove religious influence from public policy, becoming a beacon of hope for people who yearn for spiritual and moral leadership in a divided nation.... (more)

November 1, 2024
YOUTUBE — We would love for you to share this video with others, to help raise support for those affected by Hurricane Helene. We are partnering with an organization called Water Mission who are helping install safe water treatment systems and distribute generators.... (more)

November 1, 2024
JUST THE NEWS — As a sprawling congressional investigation into online political fundraising expands, House Speaker Mike Johnson said Thursday he fears foreign adversaries such as China and Iran may be laundering money to Democrats this election, and he is vowing lawmakers will take punitive actions against overseas actors if the allegations are corroborated. “This is a massive scandal,” Johnson told Just the News in an interview just days after House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer revealed to lawmakers in a confidential memo that the Treasury Department has confirmed it possesses hundreds of Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR's) for possible money laundering tied to the Democratic Party’s massive online fundraising platform known as ActBlue.... (more)

November 1, 2024
NEW YORK POST — As a young American Jew and patriot who attended Donald Trump’s so-called “Nazi rally” at Madison Square Garden Sunday, I can tell you one thing: It was nothing like what the fake-news media wants you to believe. The first thing I noticed was all the Jews. New York Trump supporters attended the rally with a variety of pro-Trump gear. Stephen Yang... (more)

October 30, 2024
FOX NEWS — The man who drove the garbage truck former President Trump was sitting in on the tarmac at Green Bay Austin Straubel International Airport on Wednesday opened up about the viral moment and how it came to be in an exclusive interview on "The Story." Andrew Brisson, the vice president of LoadMaster, a family-owned garbage truck company based in Norway, Mich., said he was sitting down to lunch when their secretary got a phone call from someone asking if it was possible to get a garbage truck down to Green Bay, Wis. "I didn't really believe it at first till I picked up the phone and talked to the guy myself. And then, I guess after a little conversation, he knew somebody that I knew within the industry down in the area. I went onto our lot, found a nice-looking garbage truck and hopped in it and started heading down to Green Bay," Brisson told Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum.... (more)

October 29, 2024
DAVID KUPELIAN, WND — Astonishing 88-page Special Report from WorldNetDaily—featuring federal whistleblowers, exclusive research, plus Victor Davis Hanson, Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, Michele Bachmann, and many more... (more)

October 29, 2024
YOUTUBE — On Monday, October 28, former president Donald Trump held a rally at Georgia Tech on the outskirts of Atlanta, accompanied by Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Tulsi Gabbard, and Tucker Carlson. The event was sponsored by Turning Point Action.... (more)

October 29, 2024
AMAZON — Having captured all the major institutions in our society, the left is waging its final assault—on America’s children. In her new book, Liz Wheeler exposes the Marxists behind the attack on America’s kids and challenges conservatives to fight to win. Everything is on the line.... (more)

October 25, 2024
TOWNHALL — Didn’t have time to listen to Joe Rogan’s three-hour interview with former President Donald Trump? Don’t worry, we got you covered. Trump sat down for a highly anticipated interview with Rogan where the pair touched on a range of cultural and political issues, including Trump’s biggest mistake, UFOs, the left’s war on the 45th president, and Democrats comparing him to Hitler.... (more)

October 24, 2024
HILLSDALE COLLEGE — American politics has been transformed in recent years as large portions of the federal bureaucracy, the military, the media, and corporate America have embraced the ideas of the 1960s radical Left. This transformation has brought ideas like transgenderism, identity politics, and global government—which were formerly relegated to the fringes of academia—into the mainstream of American public life. The result of this turn can be seen in the radical gender ideology pushed in our nation’s classrooms, the lawlessness at our border and in many of our cities, and the economic policies that continue to hollow out the American middle class.... (more)

October 24, 2024
YOUTUBE — Kamala Harris’s campaign is in tatters after consecutive weeks of disastrous gaffes, stumbles and mumbles out on the campaign trail. Sky News All Stars James Morrow, Joe Hildebrand and Danica De Giorgio take a look at Kamala Harris’s latest word salads and ask if she’s ruined her chances at election victory.... (more)

October 21, 2024
FREEDOM PROJECT — With the ongoing exodus from government schools continuing to gather momentum, a new forecast by education researchers predicts that almost one third of school-age children will be homeschooled by the year 2030. Just half of the student population will remain in government education by then, the analysts found.... (more)

October 20, 2024
NEWSMAX — Not a single person voted for her to become president this year, yet Kamala Harris could soon hold the most powerful job in the world. What – and who – has been behind the stunning rise of the senator from California?... (more)

October 19, 2024
YOUTUBE — If the Dems crash and burn as expected Nov. 5, Karl Marx will be sanitized from their history as part of the Dems’ attempt to improve their image (and appear simply "progressive" and enlightened). Globalists in the party will seek to replace Marx with wholesome Kamala, Walz, and Colbert-like AI-directed transhumans who love to dole out 1950s deodorant to enhance the party's image and acceptability.... (more)

October 18, 2024
WORLDNETDAILY — Xi Van Fleet lived through the horrors of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, and warns Americans that today's Democrats are communists. Listen to her explain what America will look like under another Democrat administration.... (more)

October 17, 2024
YOUTUBE — Former U.S. president Donald Trump's sharp roasts at the Al Smith charity dinner had senior Democrats laughing, as he took aim at his rivals, including Vice President Kamala Harris.... (more)

October 17, 2024
BOB UNRUH — Just as the 2024 presidential election vote is under way, with mail voting and early voting already taking place in a number of states, a new poll shows there are more Americans who identify as Republican than as Democrat. With the poll showing 31% of respondents to Gallup identify as Republican, to 28% considering themselves Democrats, a report from Trending Politics News said the numbers show “a significant shift in political affiliations since mid-September, causing potential challenges for Democrats ahead of the crucial vote.”... (more)

October 17, 2024
SCOTT BOYLE — As a kid, I would wake up early before school. Because my Mom and Dad were getting ready, they were always looking for ways to occupy me so I didn’t get in their way. Many days, my Mom would lead me downstairs, my eyes and brain somewhere between being asleep and being awake. I would lie on the scratchy green couch in our living room as I watched Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood on the local PBS station.... (more)

October 14, 2024
YOUTUBE — Recognizing 245 years of U.S. Navy excellence, we honor our heroes who serve with an unwavering commitment to excellence and the fair treatment of all.... (more)

October 14, 2024
MIRANDA DEVINE OF NY POST — As the latest polls Sunday showed Donald Trump and Kamala Harris neck and neck with just 23 days to go until the presidential election, Democratic spinmeisters are trying to calm the bedwetters, and Barack Obama has been dispatched to scold black men for not being impressed by his protégé. But as uncomfortably close as this election is, one thing is certain: Tim Walz has to be the worst VP pick on record, in stark contrast to JD Vance.... (more)

October 14, 2024
FACEBOOK, ERIC MOUTSOS — On Saturday, Donald Trump visited supporters in Salt Lake City – evidently on his way to a rally in Coachella, California. Among attendees at the Utah gathering were Glenn Beck, Kari Lake, Utah Sen. Mike Lee, Utah Rep. Burgess Owens, Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs, Idaho AG Raul Labrador, and long-time adviser Kash Patel. For details, see the Facebook page of Eric Moutsos highlighting the largely informal event. As part of the event, organizers apparently held a zoom webinar. For information, go to: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zhSntToZQBumMJhK7bPtgQ#/registration.... (more)

October 14, 2024
YOUTUBE — The reason [Taylor Swift] is voting for Kamala Harris is because of Tim Walls' LGBTQ stance. Do you know what Tim Walls has done on the LGBTQ front? Let me tell you what's going to happen.... (more)

October 13, 2024
NEWSMAX — Former President Donald Trump, in an exclusive interview with Newsmax's Chris Salcedo, said when it comes to illegal immigration, our country has never been "abused like it is being abused now." The 2024 Republican presidential nominee told Salcedo, host of Newsmax's "The Chris Salcedo Show," that the border during his time as president was "peanuts" compared to the its current state.... (more)

October 13, 2024
YOUTUBE — We easily get lost in the entertainment brought to us by stars, forgetting that they too are human—facing life’s challenges and heartaches just like the rest of us. Recently, Ron Howard, the beloved director and former actor, revealed some devastating new details that have left fans shocked. As someone who has spent decades behind the camera, crafting unforgettable stories, it’s easy to overlook the personal struggles he has been quietly enduring. So, in this video, we’re diving into Ron Howard’s heartbreaking revelation and the challenges he has faced behind the scenes.... (more)