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April 26, 2024
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More God, more peace
Jerry Newcombe

April 26, 2024
RENEWAMERICA STAFF — RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

April 25, 2024
BYRON YORK — Covering former President Donald Trump's trial on television is a difficult job. There are no cameras in the courtroom, so TV news has to rely on quick messages from staffers watching the trial in an overflow room in the Manhattan courthouse where Trump is being tried for making false bookkeeping entries concerning a nondisclosure agreement he had with the porn actress Stormy Daniels.... (more)

April 24, 2024
Taught by concert pianist Hyperion Knight
HILLSDALE COLLEGE — Rediscover the beauty of classical music. Music has been part of man’s experience since our earliest days. It has accompanied the greatest achievements in history. It swells our hearts in love, fills us with awe of the Divine, drives us into battle, and comforts us in moments of despair. From the time that Pythagoras developed the science of music in Ancient Greece, it took over two millennia for the greatest minds in science, philosophy, politics, and religion to discover the proper tuning of a chromatic scale. From that moment, music has been able to express the fullest range of human experience and formulate in sound elements of the human experience that cannot be articulated in words.... (more)

April 23, 2024
BOB UNRUH — Even the Trump-punishing judge in New York, Arthur Engoron, who first ruled without a trial that President Donald Trump committed business fraud and then after a trial fined him roughly half a billion dollars, had to disagree this week with NY Attorney General Letitia James, who brought the case. And he said a $175 million bond being posted by Trump to allow an appeal of the egregious punishment could move forward.... (more)

April 23, 2024
PETER LEMISKA — The presidential campaign of 2008 marked a turning point in America. Millions of voters were electrified by the prospect of the first African-American president. Even one of Barack Obama’s opposing candidates seemed mesmerized by the moment: "I mean, you've got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a story-book, man." But then, Joe Biden has always viewed everything in terms of race.... (more)

April 22, 2024
LINDA GOUDSMIT — Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism.... (more)

April 22, 2024
'The end of the American empire'
DAN FERRIS — I’m convinced the ONLY way the Democrats can keep the White House is to bring back Barack Obama. And I believe they’ve figured out a sneaky (yet 100% legal) way to achieve this. I’ll show you the evidence, proving why I’m certain this Election Day shakeup has already begun.... (more)

April 21, 2024
YOUTUBE — Tucker Carlson and ex-Hawaiian Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, now a former Democrat, examine Mitt Romney's record as a flip-flopper for the Left.... (more)

April 20, 2024
Stormy Daniels' former lawyer
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Michael Avenatti: “I think that we were both targeted by the justice system,” Avenatti said. “There’s a lot of people on the left that were very concerned about my potential rise within the Democratic Party and my potential rise in Democratic politics. And the fact that I was not someone that was easily controlled.”... (more)

April 19, 2024
Grand Canyon University in Phoenix
FOX NEWS — After Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona vowed to shut down Grand Canyon University (GCU), the largest Christian university in the U.S., GCU officials are pushing back, telling Fox News Digital the crackdown stems from "deeply held bias." Cardona made comments during a House Appropriations Committee hearing about cracking down on GCU and other universities like it on April 10.... (more)

April 18, 2024
JERRY NEWCOMBE — Virtually every week, there is some news item about the war on America’s founding ideals. In Concord, Massachusetts, on April 19, 1775, the “shot heard round the world” rang out, which was the very beginning of the American War for Independence. But, as syndicated Washington Times columnist Don Feder notes, that town recently “removed three historical markers, which had been in place since 1930, that commemorated the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony 300 years earlier,” lest the signs offend woke sensitivities.... (more)

April 18, 2024
JUST THE NEWS — The Louisiana House Committee on Education approved a bill that will end the requirement that requires state approval for homeschooling curriculums. House Bill 550, by Rep. Beryl Amedee, R-Gray, would end the requirement home study programs be approved by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education.... (more)

April 16, 2024
Foreign minister says U.S. given 72 hours notice of missile onslaught
BOB UNRUH — "Within certain limits." That was the caution Joe Biden gave to Iran just before it attacked Israel with drones, missiles, and more, essentially allowing the act of war, mounting evidence is revealing. It was Reuters that reported just days ago a diplomatic source said Iran told Turkey about the plans to attack, and "Washington had conveyed to Tehran via Ankara that any action it took had to be 'within certain limits."... (more)

April 16, 2024
PJ MEDIA — When Barack Obama was campaigning for president in 2008, he was fond of saying that he wanted to "fundamentally transform America." He wasn't always upfront about the specifics, but when we read between the lines, we knew what he was talking about. Steeped in Chicago radicalism, Obama wanted to push America hard toward socialism.... (more)

April 15, 2024
YOUTUBE — Zach Costello: Have you noticed that more and more prominent influential people like Joe Rogan, Andrew Huberman, and Russell Brand are talking more and more about God and Christianity? There is something at work. I think Jordan Peterson has a lot to do with it, and it's because of conversations like this with Russell Brand...... (more)

April 11, 2024
BOB UNRUH — A pitched battle has erupted in California over the decision by one city to take an easement away from the Lions Club and remove a Christian cross the organization had illuminated at holidays for years. The situation has been profiled by CBN, which noted the effort to restore the cross continues. The cross has been on the site since several owners sold the city 1.1 acres of land in the 1970s, but the Lions retained an easement for the cross, the report said.... (more)

April 10, 2024
Teachers are taught to 'teach political propaganda as opposed to academic subjects'
BRUCE DEITRICK PRICE — Around 1990, journalist/author Rita Kramer (1929-2023) toured the country to study premier schools of education. She was already an expert on our K-12 schools, having published a highly praised book about Maria Montessori and having reported for years on education. Now Kramer sensed that something new and dangerous was growing in the shadows of America: a tendency toward promoting Socialism. She wanted to know why. Her journey resulted in an excellent book, Ed School Follies, in 1991.... (more)

April 9, 2024
The greatest moral issue of our time
CLIFF KINCAID — President Trump’s “states' rights” approach to abortion is the same recipe for disaster that brought us the Civil War. The nation must be free, and that applies to human beings from the moment of conception. His new position solves nothing, and makes his attempt to get back into the White House much harder.... (more)

April 6, 2024
A man sustained by his faith
WORLDNETDAILY — Imagine making a documentary about one of the 20th century's leading opponents of the Ku Klux Klan – without ever talking about the evil of the KKK itself. If that sounds like malpractice, consider PBS's new documentary on the life of William F. Buckley Jr. "The Incomparable Mr. Buckley," the latest installment in the "American Masters" series, has much to say about anti-communism but never reckons with the murderous reality of communism itself.... (more)

April 5, 2024
GREG LAURIE — The Resurrection of Jesus Christ changed everything. It changed a group of disillusioned, discouraged, downhearted disciples into a group of on-fire, passionate preachers who turned their world upside down. The Resurrection can change your life as well. And it can bring something that we all need in this world, something that seems to be in short supply: hope. Do you have hope today? What is your hope in?... (more)

April 5, 2024
JERRY NEWCOMBE — The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the cornerstone of historic Christianity. But is there scientific evidence it really happened? Some scholars believe that yes, there is and it’s in a cathedral in Turin, Italy. The Shroud of Turin, a linen cloth 14 feet by 3 feet, contains the image of a man who was badly scourged, was crucified, wore a crown of thorns, and was stabbed in the chest with a Roman lance. Of course, all of these wounds fit what the Bible says happened to Jesus. Is the Shroud of Turin Jesus’ actual “clean linen shroud” given to Him in death by Joseph of Arimathea?... (more)

April 3, 2024

April 3, 2024
PETE RIEHM — Most Americans were surprised to learn there is such a thing as the “International Transgender Day of Visibility” mostly because it fell on Easter Sunday this year. Americans were then shocked when the White House proclamation celebrating the “International Transgender Day of Visibility” seemed to take precedence and even eclipsed any acknowledgement of the resurrection of Christ. Poor timing to be sure, but the White House doubled down with a religious themed tweet praising transgenderism on Easter Sunday. It was an in-your-face move.... (more)

April 2, 2024
YOUTUBE — Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down in-person with Steven Bonnell II, also known as Destiny. They discuss the differences between the left and the right, force versus invitation, the feasibility and pitfalls of command economies, the dangers of ideology, and government response to worldwide crises. Destiny, also known as Steven Bonnell II, is a prominent political commentator and content creator known for his debate skills and provocative takes on various issues. With a passion for gaming, politics, and philosophy, Destiny engages in lively discussions that often challenge the status quo. This episode was recorded February 3, 2024... (more)

April 1, 2024
PJ MEDIA — How would you respond if you were asked: what is the single most important fact in all of human history?

Rome fell? Roland died so Charlemagne could defeat the Saracens? The printing press? The U.S. Constitution? America beat the Nazis to the atomic bomb?

Those and many more facts have each arguably changed the course of history and could thus be cited with equal assurance of their relevance. However, there is one fact that not only fundamentally altered human history, but defined reality for every person who ever has lived or ever will live:

That fact is the empty tomb of Jesus Christ.

Why the empty tomb? Because on Easter morning and for 40 days thereafter, Jesus was seen, touched, heard, and spoken to by His disciples, then other individuals in and around Jerusalem, and ultimately more than 500 individuals.

The tomb was empty because Jesus was literally resurrected from the dead, thus validating everything He claimed about Himself, including "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but through Me." (John 14:6).... (more)

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