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December 5, 2023
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December 5, 2023
RENEWAMERICA STAFF — RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

December 5, 2023
Father of baby who was condemned to death by judges felt 'pull' of hell, convincing him God is real
BOB UNRUH — The father of an 8-month-old girl condemned to death by United Kingdom judges who ordered her life support turned off and even refused permission for her to be moved out of the country for treatment says when he was fighting in court for his daughter's life, he felt the pull of hell.... (more)

December 3, 2023
HOUSE COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND ACCOUNTABILITY — House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) and House Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) today wrote to Hunter Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, reiterating Hunter Biden must comply with the committees’ lawful subpoenas and first appear for a deposition on December 13, 2023, and then a public hearing at a later date.... (more)

December 3, 2023
RELATED: Dissolution of the Soviet Union (Wikipedia)
FROM HILLSDALE COLLEGE'S 'IMPRIMIS' — In the last few months, Americans, especially those of Eastern European national descent, watched with both awe and elation as democracy and freedom reared their hesitant heads above the ebbing tides of Marxist socialism in the Warsaw Pact nations…. [With that remarkable fact in mind, note that] some years ago I asked Nobel economist Milton Friedman why it was, given the appalling and obvious failures of socialism everywhere in the world contrasted with the stunning successes of market capitalism, that most American students still graduated from high school with such a surprisingly socialist perspective. His answer was characteristically clear: “Because they are products of a socialist system — namely public education. How can you expect such a system to inculcate the values of free enterprise and individual entrepreneurship and competition when it is based on monopoly state ownership, abhors competition, and survives only through compulsion and taxation?”... (more)

December 2, 2023
According to British Office for National Statistics (ONS)
THE EXPOSÉ — The dataset was published recently by the UK Government department known as the Office for National Statistics (ONS), and it can be found on the ONS website here, or downloaded here. The dataset includes deaths by vaccination status between 1st April 2021 and 31st May 2023. But because we have extensively looked at deaths up to the end of 2022 in previously published datasets, we decided to take a look at Covid-19 deaths by vaccination status over a full year up to 31st May 2023, and the following chart shows what we discovered... (more)

December 2, 2023
Sean Hannity moderated the historic debate between Florida's Ron DeSantis and California's Gavin Newsom
FOX NEWS — More than 5 million viewers tuned in to FOX News Channel's groundbreaking "The Great Red vs. Blue State Debate" featuring Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom. The roughly 90-minute debate moderated by FOX News' Sean Hannity averaged 4.75 million total viewers, including 742,000 viewers in the advertiser-coveted 25-54 age demographic, according to data from Nielsen Media Research. An encore of the debate airing from 12-1:30 a.m. ET averaged an additional 706,000 viewers for a combined total of roughly 5.5 million viewers.... (more)

December 1, 2023
Intended to help The Bee appeal to a broader audience
OREGONIAN MEDIA GROUP — The "most trusted news source” in Oregon was just installed by the publisher of the Babylon Bee to run all aspects of the Bee, following the dismissal of all Bee staffers for posting “Squirrel Wearing MAGA Hat Seen Scampering Away From Falling National Christmas Tree.” The upgrade of the Bee will remain in place "until all squirrels in and around the White House find other work," a spokesperson from the Babylon Bee told a White House groundskeeper.... (more)

December 1, 2023
JERRY NEWCOMBE — For the last few generations, Western civilization has been under attack. But recently there were some excellent defenses of Western civilization made by Bill Maher (earlier this month) and by Greg Gutfield in his program on Fox News last Friday. Gutfield said: “So let's talk about the death of Western civilization. It's in trouble, people…. Now, before you accuse me of being too pessimistic, let me just say the West has been tested before and we've come through…. [I]n 1940, when it looked like the Nazis could take over all of Europe, it was the British who stood up to them alone. Sounds familiar to what Israel is doing right now, doesn't it?”... (more)

December 1, 2023
STEPHEN STONE — In a two-minute tweet, Joe and Jill Biden gave a Christmas-day message that called for acts of charity without acknowledging the biblical principles that enable them – namely, that true charity comes freely from the kindness of those who love God, not from coercion or intimidation by those who hold positions of power (methods that are inevitably doomed to fail, since they ignore human nature).... (more)

November 30, 2023
CURTIS DAHLGREN — From AmericanWireNews: "A Jewish high school teacher in Queens was terrorized by a mob of left-wing students who reacted with outrage after she attended a pro-Israel rally last weekend, a terrifying incident that left her badly shaken. The target of the 'radicalized' kids was forced to hide for over two hours in a locked office as the halls at Hillcrest High School were taken over by hundreds of young people incensed over her posting of support for the Jewish democracy to her Facebook page. The students chanted slogans and waved Palestinian flags in what was described as a pre-planned protest demanding the teacher’s firing with video of the harrowing display of anti-Semitism being posted to social media."... (more)

November 29, 2023
COLORADOAN — It makes sense that Jeff Keane would one day take over “The Family Circus” from his father Bil. After all, he’s one of the characters. Jeff Keane is the inspiration for Jeffy. All of the child characters are modeled after Bil Keane’s own children, in fact. But Jeff is the only one with the same name. “Jeffy, he was always the hero,” Jeff Keane said, laughing. “As far as I was concerned he was the savior of the strip.”... (more)

November 28, 2023
HILLSDALE COLLEGE — The banner that hung across the stage read simply: “Thank You, Alan Brinkley! We’ll Miss You.” As the young professor ended his last lecture, more than 500 students who filled the seats and aisles of Harvard’s Sanders Theater rose in a standing ovation. By all accounts, Brinkley was one of Harvard’s most gifted teachers. At 37, he taught the largest course in Harvard’s History Department and had won an American Book Award for his study of the Depression era. He further stood out from many of his Harvard colleagues because of his open-door policy and willingness to meet with students one-on-one, even though by some estimates, he taught one-third of all Harvard undergraduates in his various classes.... (more)

November 28, 2023
DENNIS PRAGER — Since World War II, most American Jews have believed that the more secular American society is, the more secure their status. This has been, as I have argued all of my life, a colossal error. Indeed, it may turn out to be a fatal error. With the outburst of unprecedented levels of antisemitism, American Jews are living the famous warning: "Beware what you wish for; you just may get it."... (more)

November 28, 2023
DAVID HARSANYI — “Ultimately,” contends Sen. Chris Murphy, the next Israeli government “is going to have to put us back on a path to have a Palestinian state. That’s not easy, but it is the only way forward for Israel, is the only way forward for long-term peace.” Well, it’s not the only way forward, right? Israel could clamp down on Palestinian autonomy until the violence against innocent Jewish civilians stops, and residents start living peacefully with their neighbors and begin accepting history’s outcomes. That’s another option.... (more)

November 28, 2023
NEWSMAX — A new study finds that since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, the United States has seen an increase of approximately 32,000 births in states implementing abortion restrictions. The study, conducted by the Institute of Labor Economics, found that after the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization decision, "in the first six months of 2023, births rose by an average of 2.3 percent in states enforcing total abortion bans," leading to an estimated 32,000 additional births.... (more)

November 28, 2023
PJ MEDIA — Our world now seems plagued with ever-increasing political, societal, and religious turmoil. As even religious leaders seem infected by Marxism and anti-Biblical wokeness, Frank Pavone, the head of Priests for Life, has some advice for Catholics and other Christians in exclusive comments to PJ Media on staying true to Jesus amidst confusion and chaos.... (more)

November 26, 2023
WESTERN JOURNAL — Talk about irony. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona tried quoting former President Ronald Reagan at a conference earlier this month, but left out the most crucial portion of the conservative icon’s words. Reagan, in fact, stood for exactly the opposite for which Cardona sought to cite him. While speaking at a meeting of the Western Governors Association in Wyoming on Nov. 8, Cardona said, “As I think it was President Reagan said — ‘We’re from the government, we’re here to help.’”... (more)

November 25, 2023
NEW YORK POST — King Charles III has been accused of using ancient feudal laws to nab tens of millions of dollars intended for charity from the deaths of thousands of Brits to upgrade his real estate empire, according to a bombshell report from the Guardian this week. The king has reportedly been claiming and profiting for years off assets known as “bona vacantia,” which are owned by people who died without a will or known next of kin, in order to upgrade commercial properties for rent, the outlet reported.... (more)

November 23, 2023
Despite broken hip
YOUTUBE — In the years immediately prior to the "British Invasion" by the Beatles, only one performer rivaled the chart dominance of Elvis Presley, and that was Pat Boone. Boone was the very essence of wholesome American values. At a time when the rise of Rock ‘n Roll was viewed as a sign of the apocalypse, he made the music appear safe and non-threatening, earning some 38 Top-40 hits in the process. Among his numerous awards and accolades, Boone has sold 45 million records worldwide, has 13 gold singles, two gold albums, and a platinum album, and has recorded over 2,200 songs — more than any recording artist in recorded music history!... (more)

November 23, 2023
JERRY NEWCOMBE — Another Thanksgiving has come upon us. But it’s amazing how ungrateful people can be these days. One comedian quipped, “My grandfather tried to warn everyone that the Titanic was going to sink. Besides not believing him, they also expelled him from the movie theater!”... (more)

November 23, 2023
JOAN SWIRSKY — A week after Hamas terrorists in Gaza launched the deadliest attack on Jewish civilians in Israel's history on October 7, causing Israel to respond with a declaration of war against the terrorists, ABC News reported, "Pro-Palestinian protests broke out across the Middle East and beyond on Friday after a former Hamas leader called on supporters to join in a 'Day of Rage' amid the Israel-Hamas conflict."... (more)

November 20, 2023
CLIFF KINCAID — Recently, the FBI was caught with a memo authorizing surveillance of traditional Catholics, but FBI director Christopher Wray disavowed the memo. We now understand that the assignment was subcontracted to Pope Francis, who just sacked a conservative Bishop in Texas. This does far more damage to the Catholic Church than anything the FBI could do.... (more)

November 19, 2023
Transcript of President George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation from October 3, 1789
SMITHSONIAN — Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor—and Whereas both Houses of Congress have by their Joint Committee requested me "to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness."... (more)

November 19, 2023
Besides Ray Epps, Sullivan was most notorious inciter on Jan. 6—yet claimed to be at Capitol just to 'document' and ‘observe’; like Epps, he was never jailed for his role (until now)
NBC NEWS — A man who claimed to be a journalist and supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement was convicted Thursday on all charges against him in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol. John Earle Sullivan, a 29-year-old from Utah also known as "Jayden X," was convicted of seven counts after just a few hours of deliberation by the jury. Federal prosecutors requested that Sullivan be taken into custody until his sentencing, and U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth ordered him remanded, according to court records.... (more)

November 18, 2023
Bulk to be released gradually over time
FOX NEWS — Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said the House of Representatives will release more than 40,000 hours of footage taken at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, when protesters angry about the 2020 election results stormed the halls of Congress. Some video is already available to the public as of Friday, with the bulk of it to be released gradually over time, Johnson said. "When I ran for Speaker, I promised to make accessible to the American people the 44,000 hours of video from Capitol Hill security taken on January 6, 2021. Truth and transparency are critical," Johnson said in a statement.... (more)

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