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August 1, 2023
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August 1, 2023
RENEWAMERICA STAFF — RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

July 31, 2023
MARK SHEPARD — On July 27, I went to a forum hosted by Americans for Prosperity, which focused on fixing the deep problems in K-12 schooling. I had been asked to come and present my perspective by the organizer of the event, even though he knew I opposed one of the three proposals his organization was supporting. I very much appreciate his desire to allow consideration of a counter-perspective. Sound ideas come from encouraging open challenge and debate, especially from those who truly want to build a stronger society. Below are my remarks, with some clarifying changes:... (more)

July 31, 2023
'The brand' [Joe] got on speakerphone more than 20 times with son's clients
WORLDNETDAILY — Hunter Biden's longtime friend and former business partner Devon Archer testified to congressional lawmakers Monday that "Burisma Holdings pressured Hunter in December 2015 to deal with a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating the firm for corruption shortly before the then-vice president took steps to force the prosecutor's firing," a source "directly familiar" with Archer's transcribed interview told Just the News.... (more)

July 29, 2023
MIRANDA DEVINE — What a coincidence! On the eve of Devon Archer’s bombshell testimony to the House Oversight Committee, the Department of Justice tried to put him in jail. If you don’t suspect that’s an attempt to intimidate Hunter Biden’s former best friend before he reveals damaging secrets about the president, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.... (more)

July 28, 2023
80 years after Neville Chamberlain, 'appeasement of brutal totalitarian regimes is back on the table'
PETER LABARBERA — A leading conservative international policy think tank is castigating Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum for trying to replicate in the West a CCP-style, high-tech, totalitarian system in which "a small group of elites bark orders and ordinary citizens dutifully obey." Gatestone Institute writer J.B. Shurk states in an essay published Friday that it is "bizarre ... to see so many international institutions today looking to China for global guidance." Shurk singles out WEF chair and founder Schwab of "Great Reset" notoriety, who "routinely applauds China's surveillance State for its capacity to 'nudge' citizens toward compliance."... (more)

July 27, 2023
JERRY NEWCOMBE — This is the era of the ungrateful American. This is the time when some Americans pour contempt on their country—even before the whole world. For example, last week, at the opening of the World Cup of women’s soccer in Vietnam, all the Vietnamese players showed their pride for their country. But, as the New York Post notes, “Most members of the U.S. women’s soccer team stayed silent during the national anthem.”... (more)

July 26, 2023
NEWSMAX — Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee told Newsmax Wednesday that the judge's decision to delay accepting Hunter Biden's plea deal was a great day for justice in America. "This is one of the most incredible days I have seen in the political news world in a long time," Huckabee said during an appearance on Newsmax's "Carl Higbie FRONTLINE." "I think people were shocked that the judge looked at all that was before her and said, 'Not in my courtroom; this isn't going down that way.'"... (more)

July 26, 2023
YOUTUBE — Actor Jim Caviezel shares the reality of human trafficking and why 'Sound of Freedom' has become a box office hit on 'Hannity.'... (more)

July 26, 2023
YOUTUBE — In today's Sound of Freedom update, we look at the latest box office performance of Sound of Freedom. It has now made over 100 Million dollars at the domestic box office, despite the onslaught of media attackers. Fox News has called out many in the media for having an agenda and trying to destroy the movie. Jim Caviezel discusses how filming this movie has changed his life forever. More and more media are attacking the film, and they are LOSING. Praise God!... (more)

July 26, 2023
AMERICAN GREATNESS — Coronaviruses can be “artificially manipulated into an emerging human disease virus, then weaponized and unleashed in a way never seen before,” wrote 18 Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) officers in a shocking 2015 document titled “The Unnatural Origins of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons.” The next time someone tries to condescend to you about how and why it is scientifically impossible not only for COVID-19 to have come from a lab, but for it to have been a bioweapon, just repeat those damning words from China’s top military scientists. If that doesn’t change your interlocutor’s mind on the matter, then that person is likely a bad faith actor in this ongoing discussion.... (more)

July 26, 2023
THE FEDERALIST — Disney’s upcoming live-action adaption of the 1937 film “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” made by “Barbie” director Greta Gerwig and featuring a non-white Snow White and racially diverse, multi-gendered, size-inclusive dwarfs, is about to be another girl-boss blockbuster committed to dismantling yet another beloved classic tale. “It’s no longer 1937,” Snow White actress Rachel Zegler told Variety in a now-viral, recently-resurfaced interview from Sept. 2022. “She’s not gonna be saved by the prince, and she’s not gonna be dreaming about true love,” said Zegler. “She’s dreaming about becoming the leader she knows she can be and the leader that her late father told her that she could be if she was fearless, fair, brave, and true.”... (more)

July 23, 2023
FOX NEWS — Fox News host Laura Ingraham shreds President Biden's alleged history of fibbing on 'The Ingraham Angle.'... (more)

July 22, 2023
‘This is the biggest corruption scandal in American history, and it’s not even close’
THE FEDERALIST — On Thursday, we finally got to see the document the FBI had been withholding from Congress about an alleged $10 million Ukraine bribery scheme involving Hunter Biden and then-Vice President Joe Biden, whom Burisma paid to get rid of a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating the energy firm. The document is damning. If there wasn’t enough evidence for the GOP-controlled House to open impeachment proceedings against Biden before, there certainly is now. Recall that former President Donald Trump was impeached by Democrats just for asking the Ukrainian President about the Biden bribery scheme on a phone call in 2019.... (more)

July 22, 2023
NEWSMAX — Calling it an "absolute shame" that the Democrats and mainstream media were able to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story and likely sway the presidential election against him, former President Donald Trump tells Newsmax then-candidate Biden had nothing to protect but his own White House hopes. "Frankly, this would have made a difference of like 15 or 16 points the pollsters were saying," Trump said Thursday on "Rob Schmitt Tonight."... (more)

July 22, 2023
'Bombshell' that vaccines 'directly caused or significantly contributed' to deaths stifled
BOB UNRUH — A new study, conducted by respected medical researchers and published in The Lancet, a renowned medical journal, indicated that the COVID shots themselves actually killed people – and the study now has been killed. That's according to a report from Liberty Counsel, which has been one of the key fighters in court against the Biden administration's various COVID shot mandates during the pandemic.... (more)

July 22, 2023
A bold reform effort hasn’t gone as planned
THE ATLANTIC — Three years ago, while the nation’s attention was on the 2020 presidential election, voters in Oregon took a dramatic step back from America’s long-running War on Drugs. By a 17-point margin, Oregonians approved Ballot Measure 110, which eliminated criminal penalties for possessing small amounts of any drug, including cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine. When the policy went into effect early the next year, it lifted the fear of prosecution for the state’s drug users and launched Oregon on an experiment to determine whether a long-sought goal of the drug-policy reform movement—decriminalization—could help solve America’s drug problems.... (more)

July 21, 2023
Critics charge it's run by a Marxist, promotes porn
BOB UNRUH — A movement for state groups to "ditch" the American Library Association over its leadership by a "Marxist" is surging, according to a report at The Federalist. Already, the Montana State Library Commission has left the organization, and now other states are joining the movement. Libraries across the nation have been under fire in recent years for their promotion of LGBT ideologies. Officials in those institutions have insisted on using public money to buy and display sexually explicit – and often offensive – material to the public.... (more)

July 20, 2023
JERRY NEWCOMBE — At one time, America was among the best educated nations in the world. James Madison of Virginia, a key architect of the Constitution, said, “A well-instructed people alone can be permanently a free people.” But a recent Gallup poll earlier this month has found that American faith in college today has dropped significantly.... (more)

July 20, 2023
THE FEDERALIST — The news that President Joe Biden’s Justice Department might soon indict and arrest former President Donald Trump over the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol should terrify all Americans, regardless of their political beliefs. Put bluntly, if Biden’s DOJ arrests Trump, the president’s main political rival heading into the 2024 election, it will trigger a political and electoral crisis unlike any America has ever faced. It’s not too much to say that such a move would not only imperil the upcoming presidential election but the republic itself. Jailing political rivals is what happens in tinpot dictatorships like Nicaragua, where President Daniel Ortega’s political rivals often find themselves arrested and imprisoned on charges of treason.... (more)

July 20, 2023
If you’re a Leftist urging electors to change their votes, you’re a hero – if you do the same for a Republican, you might be a felon
THE FEDERALIST — If the last two election cycles have proven anything, it’s that Democrats hold an undeniable double standard when it comes to objecting to elections. The radically different treatment Republicans receive when contesting poorly administered elections intensified this week when Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel charged 16 Republican electors in her state for participating in what she deemed a “false electors scheme.” Defendants, all 55 years or older, each face eight various conspiracy and forgery felony counts that carry a sentence of five to 14 years in prison each.... (more)

July 20, 2023
BEN SHAPIRO — This weekend, Tucker Carlson interviewed a bevy of Republican presidential candidates in Iowa. Despite the fact that polls show that nearly zero Americans consider the war in Ukraine to be a top voting priority, Carlson spent a disproportionate share of his time grilling the candidates over their position on Ukraine.... (more)

July 20, 2023
THE FEDERALIST — Gary Shapley, a veteran agent with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), told House lawmakers Wednesday that the Justice Department slow-walked criminal proceedings into Hunter Biden to allow the statute of limitations to expire. Shapley testified as one of two IRS whistleblowers on Capitol Hill alleging widespread interference in their criminal tax investigation of the Biden family. The second whistleblower revealed his identity at the Wednesday hearing as Joseph Ziegler, a gay Democrat with over a decade of tenure at the federal tax agency. Both served lead roles in the Biden investigation and said their efforts were hampered by officials at the Department of Justice (DOJ).... (more)

July 19, 2023
New film about the 'Manhattan Project'
THE FEDERALIST — J. Robert Oppenheimer, “the father of the atomic bomb,” has long been a darling of the left, and not because he oversaw the creation of the most devastating weapon ever used. No, for them Oppenheimer is the tortured conscience of the Cold War and the martyred saint of McCarthyism. Kai Bird, co-author of the excellent biography on which Christopher Nolan’s film “Oppenheimer” is based, has penned a column in The New York Times lamenting the tragic life of the physicist, who lost security clearance in 1953. Oppenheimer was, writes Bird, “destroyed by a political movement characterized by rank know-nothing, anti-intellectual, xenophobic demagogues, [and] the witch-hunters of that season are the direct ancestors of our current political actors of a certain paranoid style.” The main culprit in this ugly tale, according to the author, is Roy Cohn, Joe McCarthy’s chief counsel, “who taught former President Donald Trump his brash, wholly deranged style of politics.”... (more)

July 19, 2023
A beginner's guide to the computer codes that are shaping our lives
SLATE — Question: Can I level with you? I’m not always sure I know what people are talking about when they say algorithm? You’re not alone: Honestly, I haven’t always been sure what I meant when I said it either. But here’s the absolute simplest definition: An algorithm is a set of guidelines that describe how to perform a task.... (more)

July 18, 2023
YOUTUBE — Freedom Pact interview of Julian Peterson, son of Jordan and Tammy Tammy Peterson. Julian is a software developer, musician, and entrepreneur, and the founder of (more)

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