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Bonnie Alba
July 27, 2006
United Nations' threat to all nations' sovereignty
By Bonnie Alba

"Money makes the world go around." The U.N.'s proposal to tax citizens around the world continues to be a thorn in the sides of successful and democratic economies. Almost annually our Congress writes into the Foreign Appropriations Bill a sentence or two prohibiting the U.N. from taxing Americans.

As Richard Rahn reported in the Washington Times, Rep. Ron Paul, Tx., has been warning the House for years about the U.N. global plan to tax all nations. According to Rahn, the House has recently passed a bill which "prohibits the Treasury from paying dues to the U.N. if it attempts to implement or impose any kind of tax on U.S. citizens."

Jim Kouri, staff writer for the New Media Alliance, reported a new (airline ticket surcharge from $1.25 to $50) tax — Globalist French Pres. Chirac "pushed it through the French parliament and was backed up by United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan." It is "being hyped by Globalists as the 'Solidarity Tax.'" The proceeds will go to the U.N. supposedly to aid underdeveloped nations.

U.N. critics see this as another globalist attempt to bring all nations into the "New World Order."

Now on the Senate table is the Inhofe-Nelson bill to "permanently" prohibit the U.N. from ever taxing U.S. citizens. Whether this bill passes depends on the number of "elected" globalists sitting in the Senate who advocate the selling of American sovereignty.

Remember: The United States and Japan together already prop up the U.N. by contributing over 40 percent of its annual budget. That money is your money. Also, the U.N. has no one over them for accountability. Note that without accountability, corruption soon sets in, as the many U.N. scandals and waste of money over the years attest to — the most recent being the "Oil for Food" scandal.

A July 13, 2006 U.S. Senate letter to Pres. Bush addresses the issue of the "solidarity contribution on airline tickets that is being promoted and even implemented." Also mentioned is a U.N. proposal contained in a book entitled "New Sources of Development Finance" which presents a 35 cent a gallon global gas tax "to generate hundreds of billions of dollars a year for international agencies and institutions."

The U.N. hopes to implement worldwide taxation, particularly of the wealthiest and most successful economies, to give aid to "developing" countries. These banana republic dictatorships have squandered most of the foreign aid provided over the years to help their people. Instead they line their own pockets thus preventing their countries from ever rising above the line of poverty and disease.

In addition to airline ticket taxes, a few examples of other proposed taxes by the U.N. and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (reported online at the Center for Individual Freedom):

  • E-mail. The Internet is like pirate treasure just waiting to be found. And the Globalists have plans for all e-mail users to pay $.01 for each megabyte of data that they send.

  • Fossil fuels — gasoline, coal, oil and natural gas.

  • Currency transaction tax (CTT). Most likely a tax of around .1 percent on each transaction generated through world financial institutions.

  • Aviation fuel. Levy to be placed on airline fuel costs.

Other tax proposals include taxes on conventional arms trade, ocean dumping, commercial fishing, Earth-orbiting satellites, use of electronic spectrum (TV, radio, cell phones, etc.) and many more.

At the same time, the proposed "redistribution of wealth" will only weaken the strongest nations and possibly destroy the Free Market. Does this sound familiar to you? Isn't this already happening on our home soil?

Despite all our internal problems and the internal-external War against the radical Islamic Terrorists, if we acquiesce to the U.N. plan to run the world under the guise of helping the poor and weak, there is one guarantee. Over time all nations would lose their national sovereignty to the U.N. which would end up performing as a Banana Republic Dictatorship through enforced collection of taxes. And accountable to no one.

CNN's Lou Dobbs asked a polling question: "Do you believe the United Nations should be allowed to have the power of taxation? Yes or no? The response was an overwhelming 95 percent voting no to the U.N. having authority to tax the world's citizens.

After reading the U.S. Senate letter, will Pres. Bush reject the U.N. worldwide taxation proposal outright and protect the Sovereignty of the United States and her citizens? Or, will he go along with the U.N. and place our nation in jeopardy for the future? What do you think he will do?

© Bonnie Alba


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Bonnie Alba

Bonnie Alba is a "politically incorrect" researcher-writer. Since 1995, her articles have appeared in California newspapers. Previously she served in various Department of Defense positions for over 16 years... (more)


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